I modified the stock seat....still have some work to finish on that after I get some stuff from work tomorrow.

I manufactured my own set of clip ons, lowered the instrument cluster, ignition switch and the headlight..then trimmed up the stock fairing to cover everything.....

I took the turn signals I bought to replace the rear set and moved them to the front.....

Then moved the rear signals inside the stock tail light and made little reflectors so it only lights up the side of the lens the lamp is blinking on......
I still want to get a set of bar end mirrors for it. I am also tossing around the idea of a dual round headlight set up. Just not sure if I like the stock headlight yet...some days I do and others I don't......I am also thinking about exhaust options. Somedays I want to take the stock mufflers off and replace them with a set of turndowns...other days I like the mufflers..... This is my first bike and I am still rather naive when it comes to the engine. I don't want to mess anything up by taking the mufflers off since a guy at work said I'd prolly have to re-jet the carbs and whatnot. So until I learn a little more about it.....I don't wanna mess with it.