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reviving an '80 gs 450

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    reviving an '80 gs 450

    So, i don't know if i should post this in the tech forum, the appearance forum, the owners forum... it's a little of all the above, lets face it. anyway, here I go!

    Picked up a '79 Gs 450E AND a '80 gs 450ES (i think) "parts" bike back in october '08ish for the grand total of $300. The '79 came with a big black vetter fairing, luggage rack, and big white trunk... all in 'eh... condition.
    it has 43k miles on the clock.. leaks oil... everywhere, slight gas leak on the left carb, idles @ 3k after it's warmed up a bit. the forks need new seals/wipers, the backlights on 1/2 the gauges are out, the mufflers have several weld-patches on them.

    The tank is surface rusted outside (inside is looking fine so far).. some minor rust down by the battery tray, the handlebars are rusted.

    Ok, now to the good! it runs... fires right up actually.. 1/2 choke, 3-4 revs & it's purring... revs fairly strongly... far as i know, clutch & drivetrain are in good condition (i don't ride... yet... had a friend take it for a test-spin before i purchased). Chain/sprockets are in good shape, don't appear to be very worn @ all (no characteristic ovaling of sprockets). brakes are in good shape. the petcock DOESN'T LEAK!!!

    Just fired the compression tester to it
    cold test:
    left cyl: 135
    right cyl: 120

    1 capful of 10-30 in each cyl
    left cyl: 160
    right cyl: 150

    so, a little down on compression, but not too bad really... motor/bike has been sitting outside under cover for 2-3 months now, so the cylinders are/were as bad as they ever would be.

    I've torn the motor out of the parts bike, will be hitting the side covers/etc with the polishing equipment, then re-installing on the "good" bike with new gaskets/etc. New tires are a must, new brakes, and new fork seals/wipers. When running, the engine is making no "bad noises"... we'll see what it looks like when i tear into it here shortly, but all in all, i think it is going to be a fun/short "resto". Next winter will be further work.. right now i just need/want to get it going for the very rapidly approaching spring

    Pictures will be on the way relatively shortly!


    Good luck.

    I myself just got a 1980 1000G. It's in okay shape, too. Looks okay, runs okay, everything okay. I've started amassing parts myself in hopes that as soon as the weather breaks for good (which is looking promising, been pretty warm but rainy the last few days) I'll be able to get all the parts on.

    I've got to do paint, carb rebuild, gaskets, and some electrical.


      Nice find. The 450's are more 'peppy' than people give them credit for. BTW the 'official' first year for the 450 was '80. It may have a manufacture date of '79, but you won't find any parts list for a '79 450. That Vetter must look enormous on that bike heh...


        Originally posted by bgmart450 View Post
        Nice find. The 450's are more 'peppy' than people give them credit for. BTW the 'official' first year for the 450 was '80. It may have a manufacture date of '79, but you won't find any parts list for a '79 450. That Vetter must look enormous on that bike heh...
        oh, i know the official year is '80...
        so, i guess i have an early '80 and a late '80 (i'm rather used to this, what with my project car being a VW corrado... lots of 1/2 year crap going on there).

        the vetter DID look huge... it was my first removal.. followed shortly by the luggage rack/trunk. I'll get the photos up soon here...



          well, not that it really matters, but, no real progress made lately, took a pay cut @ work (i certainly prefer that to no pay at all!) so i've had to hold off on the purchasing of stuff for the bike.

          I have however hauled off the valvecover to begin the "teardown" and "freshenup"... haven't made it to figuring out valve clearances yet, but i will soon

          while i've got the downtime, i've begun snagging the side covers off the parts engine and hitting them w/the ol' sandpaper & polishing compound... wow were they nasty!



            yeah the 450's are really nice little bikes. im hoping to have mine back on the road this weekend.
            I didnt do it I swear !!

   1982 GS850G

   1980 GS1100L


              The high idle is most likely due to an air leak. sells kits for good prices.

              To measure is to know.

              Mikuni O-ring Kits For Sale...

              Top Newbie Mistakes thread...

              Carb rebuild tutorial...

              KZ750E Rebuild Thread...


                Originally posted by Nessism View Post
                The high idle is most likely due to an air leak. sells kits for good prices.
                way ahead of ya well, not too far ahead... purchased & recieved last week... just placed an order on bikebandit for a jacket & some misc gaskets for the top-end so i can keep the oil where it's supposed to be . the project car just blew a headgasket, so i'm shifting attention to the bike... it's warming up here in Maine, time to get this done, and then figure out how to ride it



                  Originally posted by howling60 View Post
                  well, not that it really matters, but, no real progress made lately, took a pay cut @ work (i certainly prefer that to no pay at all!) so i've had to hold off on the purchasing of stuff for the bike.

                  I have however hauled off the valvecover to begin the "teardown" and "freshenup"... haven't made it to figuring out valve clearances yet, but i will soon

                  while i've got the downtime, i've begun snagging the side covers off the parts engine and hitting them w/the ol' sandpaper & polishing compound... wow were they nasty!

                  I was graced this new years with a pay cut. I got a lot I wanna do with my bike, but I'll be lucky to get to ride it much this year.


                    Anything more than my 45hp would be a waste for my trips to work (60km/hr max speed, most is 30-50km/hr)



                      Just a heads up, you wanna do a compression test while the motor's warm and w/ the throttle at WOT. Cold isn't that useful.

                      But your results look like it's a at least got pretty good compression!


                        Originally posted by Ludeykrus View Post
                        Just a heads up, you wanna do a compression test while the motor's warm and w/ the throttle at WOT. Cold isn't that useful.

                        But your results look like it's a at least got pretty good compression!
                        cold compression test will give the absolute "worst case scenario"... which says to me (on this bike anyway).. that i'm not going to worry about it.. not this year anyway!

                        i'm relatively impressed... for 43k on the clock, she seems to be OK.. just have to refresh my seals (on the way), and do some electrical saving/etc...


