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Another cafe racer........

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    And today i fired it up!
    Runs like a dog at the minute but that's fair enough, it's been through a fair bit of turmoil and the carb's are from a different bike, it just wants a bit of fettling i think, to make it run properly.
    I have a ticking noise from the top-end but i think that might go away once the motor beds in a bit and i get those carbs working better. The tickover is up and down at the minute and it coughs and splutters a bit as well.

    It's a runner though, fires right off the bat so i think it's just setup issues really. I did expect a fair bit of setup to be required, using pods and cv's is said to be a hard nut to crack.

    Still got a few things on my list that need crossing off as time progresses but i just couldn't wait to hear it burst into life. Gives you that extra wind for the final push....................


      On those tubeless tires, is there anything you did to ready the rim for the tubeless tires? Did you need to seal them before they are mounted?


        nope, the rims actually say "tubeless" on them but my rear had a tube in when i took the old tyre off, i didn't see much point in putting one back in. I just got the tubeless stainless valves that bolt into the hole and i was set


          Originally posted by AudiA4_20T View Post
          hey out of curiosity what did you do to get the carbs and other pieces polished? Did you sand them down yourself or blast them?
          You haven't read the thread have you??


            Originally posted by oshanac View Post
            On those tubeless tires, is there anything you did to ready the rim for the tubeless tires? Did you need to seal them before they are mounted?
            Hunt about and you'll find that the guys on here report mixed sucess with tubeless tyres. Some work well, whilst others leak. I've known a few of my friends to paint their rims on the inside with a good quality enamel to help stop the air leaking through the 'porous' aluminium.


              True enough Zooks,

              I had my rims blasted by the pc guy, but i picked them up and gave the inside a good rub down and took them to a near polished finish before "roughing" them back up and taking them for coating. I wasn't aware that it was a bit "hit n miss" with the tubeless tyres, i just noticed a fair amount of pitting on the mating surfaces so i thought i'd best sort that out before the powder went on.

              I checked the pressures periodically in the two weeks after having the tyres put on and eveything was fine, a slight variation in pressure but that's to be expected, no leaks though


                Zooks-I've already hunted. It seems the 50-50 rule applies and I'm trying to see if I can edge the scale in favor old "it's safe to use tubless tires on tube style rims". Is it because of the type of aluminum or because of the bead, or valve or what?


                  Latest pix


                  We haven't seen any more progress pictures. I'd love to see your bike in it's finished (I know they are never finished) condition.



                    Hey, I have just spend 40 min going through your build thread. It was inspirational. I love the amount of input you have received as well, and it has sent me off looking in places for parts for my own bike I never would have imagined. I can see something as simple as choosing a tail light isn't simple at all...

                    Keep up the good work!!


                      I thank you for taking the time to read this thread from start to finish, and also for leaving comments too.
                      I have read it through a few times myself and do enjoy the feedback i've had. I actually have a printed version of this thread which sits in my "very comprehensive" build folder. That's a bit sad i know, but i like to keep records and the comments and advice i recieved all played a part in shaping the bike and getting it to this point, in what i would call a short time (for me at least!).


                      I've just fabbed up a numberplate bracket and i'm waiting for a plate lamp to arrive before i can fit it. I've got a couple more pics to take of the bike with the Marshall pipe fitted, braided brake lines and indicators, all will be added at the weekend. Since as you ask though, i've a couple of pics of the plate bracket here, it's 5mm aluminium and i went to a fab shop today to ask them to bend it for me, he won't touch it cos he says it will crack at the bend point if he does! I've worked with metal for many years as a "young un", i'm actually an apprentice trained sheet metal worker so i'll figure out a way to fab a little metal former and do the job myself at the weekend. The trick with bending thick aluminium is to let it radius a little at the bend point, too tight a fold and the outside edge won't stretch properly, causing fractures. You could add heat of course.....
                      Then it wants polishing to a mirror finish and clearcoat for added protection.



                          Hey Yaddy, looks good buddy!! Your metal guy is...well...wrong. Set it up in the brake and only bend it like 45 max... then loosen the hold clamps and move it out a bit.. then bend another 45. You just cant take all 90 from the same spot. My old boss back in Va had a late model stock car that I helped out making fenders and the like for him out of aluminum from time to time. If he is really concerned about the thickness...he can make the 90 out of like 4 smaller bends on the brake..

                          Looks good man!! Keep it up!!




                            Really enjoy watching the progress. Keep it up.

                            83 GS1100g
                            2006 Triumph Sprint ST 1050

                            Ohhhh!........Torque sweet Temptress.........always whispering.... a murmuring Siren


                              ****, im gunna have to read this whole thing!


                                Originally posted by oshanac View Post
                                Zooks-I've already hunted. It seems the 50-50 rule applies and I'm trying to see if I can edge the scale in favor old "it's safe to use tubless tires on tube style rims". Is it because of the type of aluminum or because of the bead, or valve or what?
                                I'm sorry my friend but I'm losing it in the translation.

                                Without being rude - WTF??

