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    Can powder coating fix this? I have the ingnition cover on my GS750 off. I want to paint or pwder coat it, but the are some good sized gouges in the aluminum (they are deeper than they appear in the pic). It there a powder coat safe body filler/glaze I can use? Will a few coats of powder hide them? Can you multicoat powder to build up the surface? I don't want to buy another piece, and they are deep enough that I feel if I sand it down, that's taking away more material than I want.

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="GS IGNITION COVER"></a>

    eastwood does sell some metal body filler.... they say it can be powdercoated as it is temp stable(at PC temps) and has metal in it. The other option is to just sand the scratches out and then powder coat it. Or, if you go with a textured powder, the coat will offer a lot of "hide" for scratches and small scrapes.

    I wonder if the 750 cover is different from the 650 cover. If they are the same, I am sure I got a spare laying around, but not sure off hans what condition they are in.


      My cover was pretty much the same as that, i cut it down with various grades of paper before polishing. It came out great and those covers are thick enough to take quite a lot of material away if needed.


        if there is a imperfection in the base part it will echo in the powder coat. dont worry about sanding them down to smooth. those are a casting and have a large tolerance. if your looking for a uniform finish, glass bead them then powder coat them. chrome plating will hide it due to the thick coat of copper thats under it. hope this helps.


          Thanks for the answers guys! Some very good options there.

