It was failing in spots, especially just inside the filler hole of the tank. My guess is when filling up at the gas station dinking the bottom of the tank with the nozzle when filling up penetrated the coating, and then over time the fuel migrated under the coating causing it to fail. To remove the old coating I purchased the POR15 Heavy Duty restoration system. It comes with the stripper, the other kit doesn’t.
Picked up some aquarium gravel at walmart to help with agitation. I figure it is best to sort out all the fine pieces and use the larger ones.
On the plugs, I was reading BassCliff’s mention on his Evapo-Rust procedure, and the plugs he used that he picked up at Home Depot looked perfect. So, I picked some of these babies up, did a little modifying with some rubber sheet instead of the grommets. Excellent idea BassCliff, Thanks!
Tank Cap Plug.
Fuel Gauge Plug.
Now for the petcock plate I just cut some rubber sheet, took the old depleted petcock, cut the valve off with a hacksaw, and pulled the tube/filter off. Looks like this.
Next situation is that being this is a California version tank it has a vent tube under the tank for vapor to escape into a filtering system located at the rear of the bike in the trunk. This most likely means the gas cap is not vented, and this tube needs to remain open.
Cali Tank Vent
Suppose I’ll cap it off then when the time comes to do the POR coating run a clothes hanger through to keep it open.
Last picture for now is the pricy box of goodies. The paint and supplies.
Soon I'll be running them "Pulg Chops", and plan on getting insurance and registration next week.