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A GS1000s mod dilema...

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    Originally posted by TheCafeKid View Post
    THe problem will lie in the ROTORS AND BRAKES AND BEARINGS AND AXLE SIZES ETC ETC> This is why we suggest sticking with the SAME MAKE stuff... You start trying to throw whatever you can get a hold of on there and youre going to end up with a bunch of money spent, Parts you cant use with eachother, and a bike sitting in pieces in the garage...

    Warning heeded.

    I picked up the bike today, but it took a little jerry rigging to get it home. The rear tire was ripped and leaked.

    A little contact adhesive, electrical tape to hold it in place and a little self repairing tyre foam and we were up and rolling again. When I got it home the plan had been to take the 750 for a short trip out of town but it ís having oil problems and wasn't going anywhere. Going against any kind of previous experience and common sense I decided to do the trip on the 1000. It hadn't been used for a while, had a bad rear tire, no rear brake, and no doubt had a bunch of other faults I hadn't discovered yet (no air in forks, needs new fork seals, missing fuel lever on petcock and had a bolt replacing the main fuse when I first took it over) Don't ask why, I just did, I liked riding it Anyway, it got me to Roskilde, about 30min out of town and promptly 1˝ minutes after leaving the motorway died. Luckily I had access to tools and a multimeter just a short walk away. 3 hours later I have narrowed the fault down but not isolated it (somewhere in the ignition) and found out how to 'hotwire' the bike it so that I skip the need for a key all together. Working on electrics is long and painful, and not very satisfying I have decided.

    Aside from ruining my evening, I must say I am very happy with my new bike, and can only look forward to improving the ride...


      SOooooo... You gonna hook me up with that seat or what??


        Originally posted by Beaver View Post
        Ha ha, beergood was right...
        I have to get my girlfriend in here to read that, she never gets tired of me being right.

        Sorry I came late to the party. There is definitely some sweet potential in that bike. It seems that everyone on here mods different, which is cool with me. When I was doing mine I got a few comments from people that were bummed that I would hack an old bike instead of restore it (quite frankly, it wouldn't have been worth the money to restore). Others suggested I go ultra modern in some areas.

        My goal was to chop it as much as possible, but not do anything that wouldn't have been possible when it was new.

        It's your bike, hit it where you want.

        But I warn you, at around the time you are justifying your third bike purchase, you might want to consider that you have a problem.


          Originally posted by TheCafeKid View Post
          SOooooo... You gonna hook me up with that seat or what??
          I am waiting for the pics of the tank you promised!! I am coming along nicely with the new seat, so I should be able to say goodbye to the old one soon...

          Originally posted by beergood View Post
          But I warn you, at around the time you are justifying your third bike purchase, you might want to consider that you have a problem.
          Ha Ha HA!! There is a GS750E parked close to where my son goes to kindergarden. It hasn't been moved for years and there is starting to grow things on it. I had thought of putting a note on it asking him if he wanted to 'get rid of it' then I would be glad to help him with it


            That'll buff right out!
            2@ \'78 GS1000


              Dig those bars! They look to be totally adjustable....

