I went to the local craft and hardware store tonight and picked up a few things. I had read a few different threads on this forum and some others on building seats and foam selection seemed to be a pretty crucial aspect. It seems the expanding foams in a can (Great Stuff) are not the greatest for sanding. For this reason I chose a florists foam that I was able to find in the craft store. The stuff seems pretty dense and hopefully will sand nicely. If anyone has any hints for sanding I would love to hear them. This is my first time so I am not expecting any miracles.
I actually had a camera out in the garage tonight so I snapped a few pictures of the process. Hopefully if this is successful it will help someone else in the future. If I fail then at least people will know what not to do!
First thing I did was measure the frame of the bike where the existing seat used to rest. From these measurements I cut out a piece of MDF to the shape of the future seat pan. I then placed some florists foam cut to the same shape over the MDF and glued it down.

Next, I glued various blocks of florists foam to the seat pan area in order to make a 'rough' version of the shape of the rear area of the seat.

That is all the progress I made tonight. Tomorrow I plan on sanding down the florists foam to a shape that is more agreeable. I like the classic cafe look so I suspect my final shape will look pretty cliche.
If anyone has any hints or suggestions I would be very grateful.