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79 gs 850bobber
So I decided instead of just flat blacking everything I'd give painting a try. I went to napa and found 2 colors i like: Prowler Copper Melt and Forest Green Melt. The fender and tank were in good shape so i just shot them with primer and sanded. Next i layed down the green first since it would require less taping. The flash made it look blue, but its just the flake in the paint.
Next i taped off the green. I decided i wanted some inlays(sp?).
sprayed the copper. Let it sit for about an hour and pulled the tape. Then i mixed up the clear and sprayed it on. On the 3rd coat of clear a fly decided to land and go for a walk.Its barely noticable....
Originally posted by dhayward312 View PostNext i taped off the green. I decided i wanted some inlays(sp?).
sprayed the copper. Let it sit for about an hour and pulled the tape.
I thought you have to pull the tape as soon as possible after shooting the second color.
We have cracked a lot of lines by waiting too long before pulling the tape.
I used the blue plastic masking tape for the outline. Then regular masking tape for filling the green in. I also used the old stick the tape to my shirt then the tank trick.
Wow, that paint looks killer, I'm a sucker for the coppers, that's what I'm doin on mine, only with graphite flames. Gimme some more info on the NAPA paint, is it acrylic enamel, decent price? Nice job man, can't wait to see um on the bike.
Its a base coat clear coat paint. I payed 35 dollars for a pint of it, so it pretty pricey, but a pint should be all you need. I had 100bucks total in everything(reducer,clear,2 pints of paint, and hardner.
Took a big step forward this weekend. Made a mount for the battery under the seat. Got the frame completely welded ground, and painted. Put the rear fender and tank on. I made a little detachable panel behind the carbs. I'm going to attach all of the electronic to this. The amish saddle maker said the seat would be done end of the month. I'm just counting down the days!!
Few things,
What type of clear coat did you use pn the paint? I used a two part urathane coating which holds up to gas spills great! Spray paint wont do that.
Love the exhaust! Are you gonna have the center pipes come out from behind the outter ones in the back? I kinda wish i woulda left my passenger peg mount area of the frame like that to secure the exhaust better like you've done. Like the head wrap too! i just did mine in black last night, although it turned light grey when it dried. I have Black spray silicone that ill spray on tonight that will make it charcoal black again. Plus its made for the wrap so it'll help it hold up to the elements better too.
And lastly, The rear brake resavour.....you have yours mounted in the same general place as mine. Problem is the kink in the line. I rode mine all summer without a problem but i just added a new low pressure line to the master cylinder. The new line has a loop in it so there are no kinks, i bled the line and worked just fine.....till yesterday, got on, rode off and found no brakes in the rear!!!!My guess is i had a large bubble in the line that finally made its way to the cylinder. I bled it like crazy (filled the resavour 6 times!) to keep this from happening but it still did. So just a warning for you. Bleed the line with the resavour as far up high as you can, THEN re mount it after thats done. But im also interested to see if you have another plan in mind for yours.
Paints lookin killer man! Are you a painter by trade or are you just "that good" ?
keep it up!!!1
Originally posted by dhayward312 View PostTook a big step forward this weekend. Made a mount for the battery under the seat. Got the frame completely welded ground, and painted. Put the rear fender and tank on. I made a little detachable panel behind the carbs. I'm going to attach all of the electronic to this. The amish saddle maker said the seat would be done end of the month. I'm just counting down the days!!
Yep used the two part urethane. Theres about 5 coats of clear on it. With the resvoir, how i have it now there aren't any kinks. I'm hoping it will be fine. I finally got the swingarm stud out. I had to just drill completely through it. Then just ran a bolt thru it. Now I'm starting on wiring. Still havent't gotten the seat from the amish guy. I'm thinking of just driving up there, and seeing if its done.
Originally posted by dhayward312 View PostStill havent't gotten the seat from the amish guy. I'm thinking of just driving up there, and seeing if its done.
mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
#1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
#2 son: 1980 GS1000G
Family Portrait
Siblings and Spouses
Mom's first ride
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Originally posted by dhayward312 View PostYep used the two part urethane. Theres about 5 coats of clear on it. With the resvoir, how i have it now there aren't any kinks. I'm hoping it will be fine. I finally got the swingarm stud out. I had to just drill completely through it. Then just ran a bolt thru it. Now I'm starting on wiring. Still havent't gotten the seat from the amish guy. I'm thinking of just driving up there, and seeing if its done.
Im interested in seeing this amish seat. i hear them folk can be awfully handy
I was going to make some forward controls, but the cases stick out so much the bike would be as wide as a car. So i think im just gonna stick with some highway pegs and the mids.