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Project Prostreet Turbo 1150 begins!!! parts bike pulled out.

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    Wow! I love your bike build. Big fan of everything that you're doing. I like two discs on the front, but it's your bike and it is a thing of beauty. I like the inverted clip-on idea; if I keep mine I'll likely do something similar.




      Thanks. It gives the bike a nice seating position. not quite as high as the stock ES bars but almost and they have a nice bend to them mounted upside down. The trouble is I only have two matching Bandit 1200 rotors. But they have gold centers and looked horrible when I put them on. I will ride with one for now and see how it does. I can add another one pretty easy.


        Could you take a few more photos of the handlebars? It was something that I struggled with for a wee-bit and now that you've done something so simple and common sensible I'm interested in the angles of the bars and the positioning. It looks REALLY good to me!




          OK I will get some nice ones up tomorrow.



            OK Bad Kaw here is some pics of the bars. I had to slot the holes on the ignition switch to make the 1150 switch work on the GSXR triple tree. It sticks up higher but it is worth it not to have to have two different keys. The 750 clip on's work perfect mounted upside down. They do not interfere with the faring and feel really good. let me know if this helps.

            side view. I still have plenty to do.


              Nice 1150 tell me what carb is on the 1150 My GS is still looking for a new home


                I do know the trouble of selling one


                  i know.

                  I know Larry. I am trying to re locate yours to a warmer climate. looks like I am going to have to come out of pocket. I have been putting this one together with spare parts I had laying around. It still has the S&S Carb right now. I got a 42mm Mikuni that's part of a Mr turbo kit I have for an oilcooled GSXR/Bandit that I was going to try on it. but it runs so good I didn't want to mess with it.


                    What size main jet ? i bought a 42 but never had the time to install it


                      Originally posted by Big_T112 View Post
                      OK Bad Kaw here is some pics of the bars. I had to slot the holes on the ignition switch to make the 1150 switch work on the GSXR triple tree. It sticks up higher but it is worth it not to have to have two different keys. The 750 clip on's work perfect mounted upside down. They do not interfere with the faring and feel really good. let me know if this helps.
                      Those look exactly like the 1100 clip on's, which are designed to mount on the top triple. The triple for the 1100 even has the holes on top for them. If those are 750's (which I've never seen off of a bike), then do they have the holes on the bottom of the top triple? I do think that the 1100 has larger diameter (and slightly longer) forks though. There's a real mismash of parts out there for the early GSXR's.



                        The 42mm Mikuni needs a 230 main jet and and the smallest pilot jet they offer. I think it is a 15. You also have to get the high pressure needle and seat or it will spray gas out of the overflow. make sure that you have a good fuel pump because the bowl will suck dry at 15 lbs. and you don't want it to go lean. The bike idles better and is more street friendly. The bars are the GSXR750 bars. The tabs are on top of the 750 bars and they attach to the underside of the 750 top triple tree. When you take them off, flip them upside down and swap sides with them. it puts the mounting tabs on the bottm where they can be drilled and tapped to work on the triple tree. I have a set of 1100 bars also. with the 750's mounted upside down they give a more stock bar feel because of the bend in them. Here is the GSXR1100 next to the upside down mounted 750 clipon.


                          I was asking about the jet in the S&S



                            Larry I have never looked in it. I will check it out. the only dealings I have ever had with S&S carbs was on a couple of Harleys I had. My old KZ turbo kit had a Zenith on it.


                              Big T112,
                              Thanks for those pics; it helps! I had originally put my clip-ons on in the standard position and they were nearly dragging the fairing. That is a great idea. Gonna use it if/when I go from conventional to inverted. Thanks man!




                                Well I have been slacking on the 1150 and the big race is on the 17th of Oct. in Hattiesburg Miss. I managed to dig out the Busa 6 pot caliper and I still had a set of them on a 96 watercooled GSXR1100 junker I had in my Pile-O-Parts but not one set of good brake pads so for now I used one of the GSXR 4 piston with a new set of EBC pads I had. Still have to bleed the the front brake and I am going to mount the Rear rim tomorrow. I went with a 180 tire because I don't think the 190 will clear the swingarm I have. It is custom made and has bracing on the inside so it limits tire selection. I am on the hunt for a longer swingarm now. I found they still make the extended tail section for the 1150. You have to buy the tail and the rear fender separate but they are not too bad priced. should look good fitted with a new 10" over arm. Use a Busa rear wheel. I might could leave off of the 2 step with it. Here is a link to where to get them. $143 ain't bad on the price.
                       1150: 1984-1986

                                First though I need to get it back rolling. and riding. I would like to take it back to the track this next Thursday night for a new test session with the new wheels and susp. that way I can see if it is any better. it sits lower. I am going with the EK DRZ2 chain. 530 conversion. 17/45 gearing.

