And one with all her clothes off...
The frame plus other bits & pieces will be powdercoated. All the not so shiny bits (clutch & stator cover, wheels etc) are heavily corroded and will be cleaned up and made shiny again..by me rubbing and cursing I reckon.
Not sure at this point whether to powdercoat or polish the swingarm. The carbs are frozen solid, but another set is on it's way to me for rebuild & transplant. The plastic is in very good shape, and the paint is in surprisingly good condition. You can see that the tank decals are stuffed, otherwise I might have just given the paint a cut & polish, but at this time I plan to have her repainted. The indicator rubber mounts have perished into non-existence, so new ones will be bolted on. The seat will need to be recovered, the brake calipers and master cylinders rebuilt, fork seals, fuel tank de-rusted and lined, new rubber...etc..the list goes on and the costs rise..
Despite the long list I plan to ride her in the new year...
Any other Aussies on this list who have parts, or know of the location of parts that I can beg or buy, please contact me, it would be appreciated!
More as it happens..