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What's a good aluminum cleaner?

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    What's a good aluminum cleaner?

    I'm looking for a good aluminum cleaner that'll get all the black junk off my engine covers and such - you know, the black spots that form on the the side covers and stuff. I've used Simichrome, and that works pretty good. It removes alot of the dirt that's on the surface, and it polishes pretty good, but what really gets in there and gets all the black spotty stuff off? How about Greased Lightning?


    THe problem is usually the clearcoat used on the alu from the factory. Over time it gets dirt in it and under it, chips, and then pits the alu itself. Best option is to pull the covers, one by one, and use aircraft stripper on them to remove the old clear coating, then buff them on a buffing wheel with white alu oxide jewelers rouge, and then put them back on (with new gaskets of course, and while your at it, some nice shiney stainless steel allen head bolts to replace the old stockers) and maintain the shine with Mothers alu Paste at regular washing intervals. If you're good with the buffer, and take your time, you can make it look better than chrome. Baring THAT, you can sand the parts with sandpaper starting from about 400 grit and going up to 2000 grit to remove the clearcoat, and then polish. LOTS more elbow grease, but it saves the purchase of gaskets. To me, the 40 or so bucks for all new gaskets is worth saving me the time of sanding all that stuff, and you only have to do it once every couple of years anyway. DO NOT get that aircraft stripper on ANYTHING else on the bike, it will take paint off RIGHT NOW>


      Get some "Trailer Brite"..we have it at work for washing aluminum headache racks and trailers...eats corrosion off aluminum great...rinse it and polish..any Truck Dealership should have it or google it...but yeah be sure the clear coating from the factory is off...Good luck!



        Sounds like the clear coat is going to be the thorn in my side. I have a leaky stator cover and need to pull that cover anyway. Buff wheel here we come!!

        Where do I find aircraft stripper? I'll need to be careful when Googling that at work, huh?


          I had mine bead blasted and two stage powdercoated (base and clear).
          Looks like satin polished aluminum, which is what I wanted.
          No polishing needed. That was just my solution; worked fine for me.


            Thanks GSG!! I'm not quite looking to go that distance, but I'll bet it looks Killer, though.

            As to my last question (Where to buy?) I found it online and they say Lowes & Home Depot sell it. That's where I'm headed tonight!!

            Thanks guys!! Mucho appreciative!



              It cost me $75 to have all case covers done (two stage).
              That included removing lots of scratches from PO, and the bead blasting and removing/replacing the cover and providing new gaskets.

              I figure my time sanding is worth something, too, and stripper is expensive. ;^)
              Disclaimer: I am not attempting to prove this is a BETTER option than any other, just one that was quick, cheap, "bio-friendly" and looks good.
              The wheels and fork lowers were done at the same time.
              Last edited by Guest; 11-03-2009, 01:30 PM.

