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luggage rack for my 1100E

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    luggage rack for my 1100E

    I've been doing a bit of overnight camping trips and my ghetto bungie setup for gear, while effective, leaves something to be desired. I'd go out and buy a luggage rack but i couldn't find any that were to my liking, so I made one. It's not quite done, I still have some fabrication to do for the rear mounting brackets, and it needs to be sanded and painted/powder coated, but check it out and tell me what you think so far.

    it will ultimately be about an inch higher in the rear, which levels out the platform more. I am thinking of mounting the rear brackets off the same bolt that holds the bracket that the turn signals mount on (not the signal itself, but higher up slightly under the rear cowling.) Any thoughts or better ideas?

    Looks good to me. Should be pretty sharp when it is done an painted. If you have a jig made up so you could reproduce it I would think you could sell quite a few of those to the members here. Racks for the E seem hard to come by.


      Interesting. I think I would have cut the lower tube off at the rear most supports instead of having it wrap all the way around. Nice job though.
      Current Bikes:
      2001 Yamaha FZ1 (bought same one back)


        Originally posted by ddaniels View Post
        Interesting. I think I would have cut the lower tube off at the rear most supports instead of having it wrap all the way around. Nice job though.
        I think it looks good. Maybe he is planning on using that part of the bar as a tie down? At least the taillight is well protected.


          I think that he is looking more for strength and ridgity. Sometimes you have to do interesting things to get what your eye is telling you to do.
          Nice job, by the way.
          80 GS 1100 LT, 83 1100 G "Scruffy"
          81 GS 1000 G
          79 GS 850 G
          81 GS 850 L
          83 GS 550 ES, 85 GS 550 ES
          80 GS 550 L
          86 450 Rebel, 70CL 70, Yamaha TTR125
          2002 Honda 919
          2004 Ural Gear up


            Originally posted by ddaniels View Post
            Interesting. I think I would have cut the lower tube off at the rear most supports instead of having it wrap all the way around. Nice job though.
            Hey thanks!

            I actually considered cutting out that bottom wrap around, but thought it would ruin the flow with the other bends. It does offer additional rigidity and tie down options (esp for my saddlebags, they have a strap that wraps around the rear.)

            I hope to finish it this weekend, I'll put up pics when its done.


              Finally got around to finishing this rack. Here's the final painted version mounted on the bike.

              Of course, as luck would have it, I dumped the bike a few weeks after I finished it. (the rack wasn't on it at the time.) I am currently parting out the bike so if anyone's interested in the rack let me know. It's not perfect, but it will more than do the job.

              It's mostly brazed 1/2" galvanized tubing, wall thickness of 1/16". The skinny top rails are 1/4" steel rod. Rear brackets and shock mount tabs are welded 1/8" steel.


                Looks awesome. I have a similar one that also has a removable backrest. That backrest comes in handy for lashing taller loads to.


                  I wonder if that would fit an 1150? I've been looking for something just like that.

                  Sorry you dumped your bike, though.


                    Looks great and I might be interested but, I have three questions.
                    How much are you asking?
                    How does the aft mount attach? and
                    It appears that the seat lock is covered by the center rail, how do you release the seat without removing the rack if it is in fact blocking the seat lock?

                    It might just be the angle of the picture that I'm seeing.

                    "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759


                      Originally posted by wacky941 View Post
                      Looks great and I might be interested but, I have three questions.
                      How much are you asking?
                      IDK, maybe $45 + shipping? Materials were next to nothing, it was all time, and I had fun making it.
                      How does the aft mount attach?
                      There are L-shaped reinforced brackets that connect to the same bolt that holds the rear turn signals hangers. You can see one if you look closely, but they are mostly hidden by the rack and tail plastic. They are made of welded 1/8" steel.
                      it appears that the seat lock is covered by the center rail, how do you release the seat without removing the rack if it is in fact blocking the seat lock?

                      It might just be the angle of the picture that I'm seeing.
                      . Yeah, pic angle is funny, you can definitely get a key in there,


                        Do you have any measurements?


                          Originally posted by UncleMike View Post
                          Do you have any measurements?
                          Its 12.75" wide between the shock mounts, then tapers to a max width of 14", then tapers back down again to roughly a foot. The distance from each shock mount to the rear mounting post is 16" center to center. The whole rack is approx. 24" long. Hope that helps Mike.

                          There is also a connecting slip on piece on each shock mount leg that is adjustable, gives about 1/2" of wiggle room on either side.

