I picked up this gem off a friend for almost nothing. He has been lugging it around for the past 5 years in it current state but road it around the country ~14k miles 6 years ago. When he got back to Athens GA, he said it wasnt running as well as it should have been and seemed a little "tired". He did a compression test on the bike which showed tired piston rings. PSI was ~90 on 3/4 and "normal" on 1. He dumped some oil down the plug holes and did the test again this time getting "normal" results. Durring his disassembly he labled and bagged all bolts and parts while took the head and jugs off but lost interest shortly after. He is now moved into his house with his new wife and just wanted to get rid of it to free up the space.
This is where I come in..........
The bike was dropped off in a million pieces. The plan is to strip it down to a bare frame and rebuild this bike from the ground up. My goal is to strip it down to the essentials and make it as clean as possible.
Pile of parts that were included as well
I cleaned up the wiring harness and cut/lengthened wires as needed to get everything to fit under the seat.
I was kicking around the idea of buying a headlight stone guard so I whipped one up quick out of wire so I could get the general idea.