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Let's See Those L's!!! [GS***L Picture Thread]
Seats, handlebars, comfortability, responsiveness, the list goes on.
As far as I'm concerned, if you like it ride it; just keep it safe to be on the road.
Guest repliedOK, so I am new to riding, motorcycles and certainly the GS. I know it's in good fun, but what do the L haters hate about the L models?
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Guest repliedBob,
KG was one really popular rack. They mount to the bile at the upper shock studs and where the rear turn signals mount. They normally require some spacers at the turn signal mounts.
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Guest repliedMy wife has an '83 GS1100G"L". Did an aftermarket rear rack exist? I've seen the pictures in this posting and I realize the spacing is a little different between models. Did the racks have any support on the rear fender? Were the racks only supported by the upper shock mounts? I'm thinking of looking at salvage yards for parts, but need a little more info on what to look for.
Thanks for any and all replys,
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Guest repliedIs that one waterproof or at least water-resistant? The listing doesn't say one way or the other
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Guest repliedMy L, seat covered with an aligator skin vinyl, 1100 E headlamp, daytona bars, smaller blinkers and tail lamp
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Originally posted by warriorguy View PostYeah that is one of the things i will b changing,but i couldnt find one i liked and i wanted to get some miles on it.I agree its not real pretty but it is comfortable.
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Guest repliedYeah that is one of the things i will b changing,but i couldnt find one i liked and i wanted to get some miles on it.I agree its not real pretty but it is comfortable.
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Guest repliedThis is my 83.I enjoyed building it and will probably tear it down this winter and try something different maybe.
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Guest repliedThis is my favorite bobberI think I have just found my inspiration for my 450L makeover....
I have to admit it's a little rougher in person than in pictures, kinda "ratty" even, but I like it. Spend a lot less time cleaning it.
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Guest repliedVery clean...
Originally posted by scaylabs View PostHow come I didn't post here yet?
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Guest repliedOriginally posted by scaylabs View PostHow come I didn't post here yet?
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Guest repliedOriginally posted by old_skoolNice bike, hows that replacement battery holding up, any issues with it yet?
The first battery I installed (A123) died in a sea of flames and melted battery parts. Do NOT use those on a bike unless you have some kind of charging system specific for them.
Second battery, a Shorai of about the same size as the first (different technology, and charging circuitry incorporated in the battery) lived an uneventful life until it was completely discharged by a malfunctioning relay.
Third battery, replaced under warranty by Shorai (very nice of them), has been just fine (knock on wood). All my relays are waterproof now, cheap insurance against another dead battery.
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A few changes since this picture was taken (windjammer fairing, side covers, etc.) I really enjoy my 850L. It's comfortable, smooth and reliable. Comfort is up on my priority list, because I ride to work nearly everyday when it's above 40 degrees. I use to ride a bobber (hardtail) and then decided comfort was my priority over freezing and a bone jarring ride. The big bonus of my "L".... It cost me $350 to get it in my garage. Hard to beat that.
The "L" has a "G" tank for a better range, so it has a "G" triple tree as well. It's got some mods, but not enough to make it look too un-L-like.
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