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GS1100E and GS1100L- what's the difference?

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    GS1100E and GS1100L- what's the difference?

    NOTE: I'm talking about the GL. As a few have pointed out there was a short-run version of the 1100 that was both an L and chain driven. What I am getting at is the sea of GL parts I see on Craigslist.

    I am looking for the technical differences between the GS1100E and the GS1100GL- more specifically the body differences between the two. I'd like to incorporate some GL feel into my E model. Previously I had an '82 GS1100GL and loved it. This time around I picked up a GS1100E. While I like the "arm stretching" feel of the E model better, I like some of the (apparently often reviled on these forums) vibe of my old GL.

    Assuming a similar year of manufacture...
    1) Are the frames different?
    2) I have read the seat pans are not the same. Are the seats (pans and all) interchangeable though? Looks like it's the seat lock that's the culprit.
    3) Will the tanks swap between the two?
    4) Fork length or diameter any different?

    Bars are different. Turn signals are different. Rear fender/fairing is different. Front fender is different (chrome vs paint). Most of this will swap though right?

    I know I'm in the minority, but I like the looks of the GL models. On the other hand, I really enjoy the E engine over the GL ( vrooom...). So I was thinking of about combining the bits I like best of the two models into one machine. No irreversible mods, no cuts or chops- just swapping and bolting a few things here and there.

    First thing is finding a set of GL bars to mount. Then maybe an GL seat if it will mount, and then some custom fiberglass to get the E rear fairing to work into the lines of the GL seat. Or it that doesn't work, getting the E Pan upholstered to give it more of a King & Queen look to it.

    Nope, I never stop dreaming.
    Last edited by Guest; 09-05-2012, 01:42 PM.

    The chain drive 1100 L (NOT THE GL) is actually a pretty rare bike. Pretty sure it was only made for one year before the 1100L's got the shaft. Also you are talking about the pre-82 1100E's correct? I am pretty sure the frames are different, as are the seat pans. I don't think they will swap very easily. The tank can be done easier, but the stepped seat, and swooping down side covers may be problematic.

    Why not just get an 1100GL and save yourself lots or work?


      Basically I like chain over shaft, and I like 4vpc over 2vpc. Now if I could find a chain driven 1100L w/16v that someone would TRADE me for the E I currently have then I'd go for it. Otherwise SWMBO is going to be rather ticked I dropped $650 on a bike, $100 on plates and registration, plus another $500 on parts only to put a for sale sign on it. Especially when all I'm looking to do in the very near future is change the seat profile and swap some bars.

      Little clearer now?
      Last edited by Guest; 09-05-2012, 12:00 PM.


        The "80 1100L is 16v, chain drive...
        '83 GS 1100T
        The Jet

        '95 GSXR 750w
        The Rocket

        I'm sick of all these Irish stereotypes! When I finish my beer, I'm punching someone in the face ! ! !


          Originally posted by Spyder View Post
          The "80 1100L is 16v, chain drive...
          Agreed. What I was referring to in the original post was the GL, which is a lot easier to find. I was following the conventions of the "Show me you L" thread, but I fear I need to edit the OP just to avoid further complications.

          Edit completed.
          Last edited by Guest; 09-05-2012, 01:21 PM.

