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Cleaning up paint surface scratches?

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    Cleaning up paint surface scratches?

    Is there a product or technique that will make surface scratches less noticable? I heard one crazy suggestion about using toothpaste and a wet papertowel to clean up the surface scratches. How about Mother's "scratch removal" you can get at Canadian Tire? Any good?

    Yes, toothpaste will work. It is a very fine abrasive, though and will take a lot of rubbing to remove deeper scratches. I would never use paper towel for polishing, as it scratches all on its own. Use clean, soft lint-free cloth. Old towels and T-shirts work well. I use the Maguire's (sp?) 1-2-3 system, where 1 is a rubbing compound, 2 is a polish and 3 is a wax. It has worked great for me. Also available at Canadian Tire if you want to shop there...



      A couple of years ago my wife bought this stuff called GS27... fitting name huh? It was one of those things they sold only on TV for awhile but they sell it in stores now and it DOES work!!! I've used it on all my cars because of my dang cat. You just put a dab on a soft cloth and rub it in the direction of the scratch and it makes them disappear. I haven't had to use it on my bikes yet... knock on wood, but so far it's been great stuff.


        My dad's used that stuff or something like it but after it dries you can see the scratch again. Are you supposed to put wax over it?



          I don't believe it says you have to wax after useing it but I do and haven't seen any sign of scratches. One thing it won't do is get rid of really deep (like down to the primer or bare surface type scratches) Mine are usually caused from our cat getting on and off our cars and also from other car doors rubbing against my paint in parking lots and stuff.


            I forgot to mention that you have to rub it in in the direction of the scratch only. I've also heard that Maguires has something out called Scratch-X that's supposed to do the same thing.


              Try polishing compound before you use rubbing compound. Rubbing compound is fairly abrasive & can go right through a paint layer if you're not careful.
              And yes, toothpaste does work, but use paste, not gel, and always floss after brushing.

