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Handlebar Help

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    Handlebar Help

    Need to change my handlebars of a GSX750es. Has anyone done this with this bike, thinking of using clamps from a bandit (seen on Ebay) and standard bars :? . Any help appreciated

    Depends on what you're trying for.
    First option:

    For lower bars, look for stock clipons from a Honda CBR600F1 (Hurricane - '88-'90). They're for 37mm forks like ours, and have absolutely zero rise to them - this is the most economical way to buy lower clipons for this bike, since aftermarkets go for roughly $130-$150US. The bars are narrower, so it will take some repositioning of your controls to get them to work, and the factory throttle sleeve is too long, so look for a set of bars with the Honda sleeve already on them if you go this route. Since the bars are lower and narrower, it will slow your steering turn-in noticeably, which has actually made my bike more predictable in the twisty stuff. These clipons will clamp to your fork tube, not bolt down to the triple like your factory bars. Be advised that 750E owners will either have to remove or modify the factory nose fairing since the master cylinder will be in the way, but the 750ES fairing should be fine. You will be able to reuse your factory handlebar pad ("dash pad") with some adjustment, but you will have to lower your front end about 5mm to bring the forks caps up flush with the tops of the CBR clipons.

    Second option:

    The rise on the factory bars for this bike is 4-1/2". When I bought mine, the previous owner had replaced the bars with a set that were identical, but 1-1/2" lower. There were markings on the bars that said they were for an '83 GS750E (which they weren't - I had also gotten the stock bars with the bike), but I think they were for an 1100E. 3" vs 4-1/2" is a noticeable decrease in rise - 1100E owners please correct me if I'm wrong on the bar info.

    Third option:

    Remove your clipons and drill your top triple clamp out to install new handlebar risers. You can use dirtbike risers which can be found en masse on any accessory website, or any 7/8" handlebar risers which bolt to the triple clamps - any number of which can be found on eBay pretty cheaply, if you have patience. This will allow you to use standard handlbars, but you may have to raise your front end (lower the forks through the triples) so the handlebars will clear your fork caps. I was thinking of this option, and was going to try to use the factory hole for the allen bolt that holds the clipons to the triple clamp before I went with the CBR clipons.

    Fourth option:

    Find a top triple or both triples for another bike (another GS, perhaps?) made for 37mm forks that already has standard handlebar risers attached to the top triple. Probably the most involved of these options, but I've seen triple sets with steering stems go for pennies on eBay.

    Hope this helps!!!



      Thanks for your help. Local bike shop are getting me a pair of standard clipons for ?35 think this is the easier way. thought about fitting small risers but didn't fancy drilling top york.


        Wow. That's a great price!


          What about the cables? Do you need to find shorter throttle/brake cables to go with the shorter bars?


            I will find that out when I fit em prob be more expense. Maybe one day il get to ride it

