I located an extra seat pan and tore into it to see what makes the foam and shape so awful..
I decided that the inherit form of the L seat pushed the rider forward and rolls the hips top over bottom as it does this, which forces the rider to effectively sit on his Man parts as they are squeezed into the metal fuel tank and absorbing bumps while the legs are still bent at an un holy angle with the feet gripping the pegs , those same pegs that are way too close to the riders behind for anyone over 5'6" tall.
My solutions was to cut out the hump - level the seat and try to position the rider BACK and UP...
I did forget to take some pictures while I was in the midst of this seat redo so I will narrate as best I can also..
First I cut out the hump and added some dense foam (garden kneeling pad) that made the seat bottom harder, and wider, and deeper.

Notice the cut out where the forward forcing hump once was...
After this glue set - I added another layer of thinner hard foam (garage floor work pads) that essentially leveled this entire front portion of the seat. The lowest level of added padding was 1" think topped by another layer of hard foam 3/8" thick.
After this was set ) leveled the seat front to back and side to side with a layer of 1" foam that ended by the back cut of the hump (Sorry - no pictures yet..) And topped the entire seat with a layer of 1" foam. The foam was purchased from a local upholstery shop for about $25. In total including the new seat pan ,and foam and adhesive I think I have about $100 invested.
I then stretched a new cover onto it from a material I had left over from a previous project. I know it doesn't match visually , but it was available, cheap and is temporary - I will be making some adjustments to the seat and will then invest in some good permanent BLACK vinyl to cover the seat ...
Here is where it stands today - with additional changes (and inside the seat pictures) coming soon... Please be kind in your comments as this is my FIRST attempt to rebuild a seat ...
