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    I want to replace my mirrors because they are pretty shabby looking. They are the black rectangular type, which I like. The round chrome type look pretty good on these old vintage bikes too. What have some of you done? Where is the best place to get some that fit the stock mounts? Pics please if you have em.
    1983 GS750ED-Horsetraded for the Ironhead
    1981 HD XLH

    Drew's 850 L Restoration

    Drew's 83 750E Project

    If you want mirrors to see behind you then get convex mirrors, that will immediately limit you options.


      I'm looking for something too. I have the round chrome but, though they stick WAY up there, they aren't the best to see out of. Neither are the bar end ones but I like the look a lot better. However, I'm hesitant to mutilate my throttle grip to fit a bar end mirror. I saw a picture of some mirrors I want to put on my Duc and thought they might also work with my GS, but I have no idea where to find them.
      Attached Files


        Here is a pic of the bar end mirror I was playing around 2.JPG


          And here is a pic of the round, WAY up there not far enough out to see past your arm, 1.JPG


            What about after market brake and clutch levers? That's the other thing I'm struggling with. When changing the mirrors to the types I'm looking for (less conspicuous) there's the whole issue with unsightly/unused stock mirror holes.


              Originally posted by jsandidge View Post
              I want to replace my mirrors because they are pretty shabby looking. They are the black rectangular type, which I like. The round chrome type look pretty good on these old vintage bikes too. What have some of you done? Where is the best place to get some that fit the stock mounts? Pics please if you have em.
              What about the under handle mirrors that are on the HD Sportsters? I also saw them on some cafe racers. Looks good to me.


                I don't like mirrors I have to look down to much to see. Higher would be better yet for these, albeit uglier, I guess...I don't mind seeing my arms a bit-it helps to adjust them . Same way I do in the car...a little bit of the side of the car orients where the stuff I see is. These round cheapos (universal fit right or left ) are adequate-but not good per vibration and area, look better but not as good a mirror as the wider rectangular black plastic cheapos. A more wide-angle type is something I have yet to try...


                  Originally posted by Gorminrider View Post
                  I don't like mirrors I have to look down to much to see. Higher would be better yet ...
                  I agree. If I can't see the mirrors without moving my head they're useless to me. Most bar-end mirrors are just too small to give a decent view of the traffic behind and slightly to the side.


                    Ive used to these Napoleon bar ends for years. The fairing mounted stockers didnt have a great view, plus I like the look of the fairing without them. The do require me to look down a bit to see them though.
                    Attached Files
                    When consulting the magic 8 ball for advice, one must first ask it "will your answers be accurate?"

                    -85 1150 es - Plus size supermodel.
                    -Rusty old scooter.
                    Other things I like to


                      Something similar to what Glen has came on my 550es. For my money, I don't particularly like them. I've actually decided to go back to the stock, rectangular, bar mounted mirrors. Maybe it is just my skinny arms, but I don't find they block my view at all.

                      On the 850 in the OP, I'd try to find some OEM/NOS mirrors, as I think these bikes look really good with the lollipop mirrors.
                      '83 GS650G
                      '83 GS550es (didn't like the colours in the 80's, but they've grown on me)


                        I bought a pair of rectangular mirrors for my GS550T. Identical to my original. Bought them on About $22 and free shipping. Doug


                          I have CRG Hindsight bar-end mirrors and they're great. Kinda expensive but well made and you can see everything.


                            Most older Jap bikes are the same (except Yamaha). And a lot of aftermarket mirrors come with adapters so they can be used on almost any bike. I got these off ebay. If you buy lower end ones off online, just be sure they specify that they are made of metal and glass and that they come with adapters. Some cheap ones are plastic.


                              i really like those. Do you have a link to the seller you bought them from?

