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1982 GS1100GL Seat change to a GS1100G and tail section

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    1982 GS1100GL Seat change to a GS1100G and tail section

    I own a 1982 GS1100GL.

    Has any successfully put a seat & tail section off a GS1100G on a GS1100GL? I've seen a few discussions on this topic, but I have not found one where someone has done it. My seat is need of repair, so before I repair I was considering all options for a different look. If I had to change the fuel tank also, I would probably scrap the idea. I would then just look into having the seat modified by an upholsterer.

    If I put on one of those madmax style windscreens, that rear hump on the seat throws off the look. (yes i know those were mainly KZ1000's on the madmax movie) :roll:
    I should stop watching those old movies!

    I really love my GS and plan to make it the best I can.

    Thanks ahead of time for any tips

    I own both the G and GL of the 1000 series and I can tell you that the seats and the tanks mount differently on both bikes - not saying you couldn't accomplish the swap, just be prepared to do a "little" fabrication work. 8)


      I've done some more thinking on it and have decided to keep the seat & motorcycle original. The money will be better spent bringing the whole motorcycle into mint condition.


        I'd have to agree ... 8)

