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what brand primer to use

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    what brand primer to use

    hey guys anyone have any good suggestions about primer brands to use. I just used rustoleum grey Auto primer on my frame and their high performance enamel on the frame, needless to say i am not super happy with it. It did the job and it looks real good but it seems like it is very prone to chipping especally on the little edges of things. it seams like the enamel pulls off some of the primer when it get hit.

    now i want to do the rest of my bike and am conserned with the primer i use, i'm going to have all the body pieces done professionally but am going to sand and prime them to be painted for the guy doin it.

    i would like to hear from anyone that has been very happy using a brand of rattel can primer that seams to not let the paint chip easy.

    78 GS1000 Yosh replica racer project
    82 Kat 1000
    10 990 ADV-R The big dirt bike​
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    Ryan, in all honesty, you're not going to find a rattle can primer than won't be prone to chipping or scratching easily. You need a good urethane or epoxy primer that will actually etch into the metal for a good bond.


      can you get a good epoxy or ureathane primer in rattle can?

      and would automotive paint work with rattle can primer?

      i already stripped my gas tank down to metel and use rattle can primer should i try to take off the primer and use a better quality primer if i can find it. or should i just go with it and every thing elese and hope the auto paint holds up well.

      i found this its kinda neet

      78 GS1000 Yosh replica racer project
      82 Kat 1000
      10 990 ADV-R The big dirt bike​
      Some dirt bikes


        Ryan for a quality job there is no substitute for quality materials, by all means do the sanding yourself , BUT leave the rest primer and all to the professionals, unless you wanna buy a compressor and a spray outfit. Rattle can will never match the quality of professional stuff.


          if i strip it all down to the metel, it is going to be a while before i can get it primed professionally, what can you recomend i use to protect the metal so it doesn't rust in that time.

          on a side note i may have access to a compressor and a gun which means i could buy the good primer and do the priming and sanding my self and just have it painted profesionally, my cousin back home does this and said he could do it dirt cheap for me, the paint that is, is it hard to screw up priming.

          is it hard to have a professional remove the rattel can primer so he can use the good primer, i have striped this tank so many times and now that i have it nice and clean with rattel can primer i would hate to do it again.

          78 GS1000 Yosh replica racer project
          82 Kat 1000
          10 990 ADV-R The big dirt bike​
          Some dirt bikes


            i found this stuff to as a way to maybe help keep the tank rust free if i have to wait to get it primed.

            Explore Picklex20, where cutting edge metal treatment meets innovation. Our solutions redefine the way you approach us. Call us.

            any ideas about this and how do you think this would jive with a good primer.

            78 GS1000 Yosh replica racer project
            82 Kat 1000
            10 990 ADV-R The big dirt bike​
            Some dirt bikes


              On the metal fuel tank, try CRC long life, it is a wd40 type product, except it leaves a protective film that is pnly removed by petrol (gas?) it is often used in Oz on machined parts that arent intended to be fitted for a while, and I have used it personally and recommend it,
              Or yes it would be a Very good idea to consult whoever will paint the tank to find out what primer they recomend and use it , but remeber you will need to put at least one coat of paint over it (a guide coat will do ) as almost all primers absorb water over time.


                We use ICI speed enamal on our external out side Spiral Staircases, it dosnt need a primer and drys rock hard, you cant use a brush, becouse of the fast dring aspect, but I would garentee out of a electric spray gun you would get a awesome finish, it retails at about $70 canadian , and comes in any colour


                  Ryan, your rattle can primer will wash right off with some laquer thinner. There is no need to use paint stripper on it. You can't get true epoxy or urethane primer in a rattle can because they both use a catalyst to harden the primer, and if you put that in a rattle can it would harden in hte can before you sprayed it out. BTW it's pretty hard to screw up putting primer on, you can always sand out your mistakes. ie, runs or sags.


                    thanks, i'll look into have real primer put on the tank.

                    what is a good primer for the plastic peices on the bike, can i use the same primer for the tank.


                    78 GS1000 Yosh replica racer project
                    82 Kat 1000
                    10 990 ADV-R The big dirt bike​
                    Some dirt bikes



                      Yes, you do have access to a compressor and spray gun. We just need to give Steve a few bucks for the spray gun which is in my garage in the original package. We could make a makeshift spray booth in my garage with cheap materials (2x4's, clear plastic, staples, duct tape), do some research, practice on some scrap metal, then spray your stuff. Why go through all the work to do a nice prep then use rattle cans and end up with an unsatisfactory finish?

                      IBA# 24077
                      '15 BMW R1200GS Adventure
                      '07 Triumph Tiger 1050 ABS
                      '08 Yamaha WR250R

                      "Krusty's inner circle is a completely unorganized group of grumpy individuals uninterested in niceties like factual information. Our main purpose, in an unorganized fashion, is to do little more than engage in anecdotal stories and idle chit-chat while providing little or no actual useful information. And, of course, ride a lot and have tons of a Krusty manner."


                        In my mind, spending $500-700 for a pro to do it is worth every penny. I'm having mine done this winter.
                        Currently bikeless
                        '81 GS 1100EX - "Peace, by superior fire power."
                        '06 FZ1000 - "What we are dealing with here, is a COMPLETE lack of respect for the law."

                        I ride, therefore I am.... constantly buying new tires.

                        "Tell me what kind of an accident you are going to have, and I will tell you which helmet to wear." - Harry Hurt


                          i'm going to look into some things after turkey day, there is a back ally painter by me that i maybe able to get them to prime it right for cheap, if not we could do it at your house joe, or i could ask my cousin (a professional painter 600 miles away) if he wouldn't mind priming it as well as painting it when i go back for x mas. that lacor thinner sound like a good trick i would hate to have to grind that damn tank agian.

                          78 GS1000 Yosh replica racer project
                          82 Kat 1000
                          10 990 ADV-R The big dirt bike​
                          Some dirt bikes



                            Hello guys, Yes if you are looking for a quality job on the frame you should spend the extra coin on getting the frame powdercoated, or if u must have it painted I highly recomend the use of urathain primmers prior to paint. The only paint that is tough enough to use on a frame is Duponts IMRON brand, so tough that it was developed for use on aircarft. but u must use the proper primmers and it is not cheep. $120.00 canadian per quart plus activators and reducers. so powdercoating is by far cheeper.
                            As to the plastic parts if they r down to the bare plastic u must use a polypropoline primmer as a base only (clear ) basecoat that is designed to stick to plastic and a base for other primmers to adhear to,
                            When choosing a primmer I recomend choosing a high build urithain primmer. Using inferior primmers is only going to compromise a quality paint job.
                            Any job is only as good as its foundation!

                            Regards, Archie


                              Hm... I have a 550 that needs to be sprayed as well. If the painting thing can wait untill after the TFT ride I would like to join in.
                              You'd have to be crazy to be sane in this world -Nero
                              If you love it, let it go. If it comes back....... You probably highsided.
                              1980 GS550E (I swear it's a 550...)
                              1982 GS650E (really, it's a 650)
                              1983 GS550ES (42mpg again)
                              1996 Yamaha WR250 (No, it's not a 4 stroke.)
                              1971 Yamaha LT2 (9 horsepower of FURY.)

