Background: 15K miles on the clock which I've driven maybe 300. Bike is stock (except as noted), clean, good electrical (other than R/R), no guts however.
Alternator phases all good at 75+ VAC, but have not inspected stator visually for over-heating. Charging at 20VDC

I do need to do tappets. Most are tight. I'll use the wire-tie method. Don't want to slip with a tool I don't have.
On to the dilemma. I've assumed intake issues from the start. Replaced intake rubbers and O-rings. Cleaned carbs, found two pilot jets clogged. Now runs without "choke". I did realize the "choke" is not an air choke, so running starter circuit only adds fuel, does not restrict air. Lesson learned.
Jets, however, are two sizes too big. Mains are 125, pilots 45. I don't see any reason why. PO's mechanic must have done it long ago when he took it to the shop to get it running, as I recall. Everything else is stock, intake and exhaust. I can find 115 mains on the interweb, but I can't locate any 40 pilots. So, the dilemma.
I'd like to bring it back to stock. I assume I'd be happy with stock performance. Yes, I'll get to the valves but thoughts on jetting? Any good reason NOT to bring it back to stock?