Hey!! I just got back from my first ride. Looked like it might rain all day, but I went anyway.
Yes, one of these is fuel/carb related, but there's not a general forum anymore.
So, here are the most minor issues:
Speedo... jitters. It's a new cable, and probably needs to be lubed. The old cable was crushed when I got the bike, and when I replaced it, the cable end was torn off the cable.
It never exceeded 40, even though I'm sure I hit.. uh. Whatever speed is 5K in 5th gear.
Tach - Makes a horrible whining noise. Imagine an electric can opener. It's worse on acceleration, and when the cable is screwed in all the way. The face of the tach is cracked, and I think it could use replacing, but fixing it for now would be good.
Handlebars - How do you tell if they're bent? My left hand was very comfortable, my right, not at all. I felt fine at first, but after 20 minutes, my wrist started to hurt. It seems like the right handlebar is nearer to me than the left. Is this a phenomenon, or is there a test? I know it's been laid down once, and dropped :ahem: a couple times. The right brake lever was majorly bent before I replaced it.
And now - Fuel/Carb issues.
After the bike was well warmed up, I was driving into the wind. The engine bogged down in 5th, I downshifted and 4th was fine for about 30 seconds, then it started doing it in 4th too. Luckily I was on my way home.
I let out the clutch a little, and let the throttle goose itself - Voila - power is back for 30 seconds.
Then it came back.
No issues accelerating in town, or low gears (except when I stalled it twice >.< ). Any educated guesses? Maybe it's too rich, or the fuel delivery is botched. I'm using a paper media filter at the moment, but it looks like it has more surface area than the clear ones.
I'd really appreciate some guidance. No, I did not replace the intake boots - I think they've been replaced. They're pretty pliable. I spent a good $600 on the bike (been saving) this week and don't have money to just throw parts at it. It's running new copper NGK d8ea's (if I remember the code right) and at idle, the bike seems to be just fine. Exhaust pulses are even and regular.
Thanks very much,