I picked up a 1978 GS750 a few months ago. Since then I've:
-cleaned/rebuilt carbs
-new o-rings and gaskets in carbs
-new intake o-rings (boots are in really good shape)
-adjusted valve clearance
-new points
-new plugs
-adjusted timing
-adjusted float height
-new hoses all the way around (fuel/vacuum)
-rebuilt petcock
-a few other non-engine related things...
I also changed the rusty and old air box out for some emgo(?) pods (they flow better than stock airbox, but not as well as K&N's). To compensate for these I bumped the main jets up to #112's from stock #102's, and I raised the needle up one notch. Mind you, I live in Denver which is a little over 5000 ft elevation. Well I took it out for the first time today to see how the re-jetting worked and I'm a little confused. It feels and sounds lean at low throttle (1/8 - 1/2)and low rpm. I can hear lots of intake noise and power is relatively low. Once the revs come up to 4-5000 It feels peppier and sounds pretty awesome, but i'm sure there's more power to be had. I couldn't really wind it out because I'm in the middle of the city on mostly residential streets, so I don't really know what full throttle/high speed feels like yet. I pulled the plugs expecting to see white insulators typical of a lean mixture, but they're black except for the tip by the electrode which is a medium brown...almost coffee brown. So if it feels and sounds lean, but has mostly black plugs, what do I do next. What does an overly rich mixture feel like, I don't have much experience with that. I didn't really notice and strong exhaust smells while I was out. Any advice would be appreciated, but first, the stock air box is not going back on. It's in a bad way and It would be more trouble to make it work than getting these pods to work right.
