One of the exhaust bolts had to be removed from the head via drilling.
Started small and worked my way towards the threads progessing to larger bits. So good so far.. Got right to the edge of the threads and simply used a pic to remove as much of the remaining as I could. So far so good. This was prolly a month or so ago and I felt pretty confident I could use a tap to clean up the rest. So I went ahead and focused my attention on other things.
The old skunk was getting close to having an engine and frame rejoining till yesterday when I decided to start tapping the threads
Started very slow and using plenty of lube(oil). Kinda sloppy to begin with but it started working very well. Im on my way.. Having measured the depth of the hole prior to beginning I knew how far to go. Im about halfway home and decide to remove the tap to clean it off and rebegin. Alls well, clean and feels good. I decide to go for one more little bit, and SNAP! I somehow managed to break the tap about halfway in the hole!@!*@. I freakin lost it. Even threw my cap across the garage. No damage except my pride.
I was still at least a few mm from hitting the G spot in that damed hole.
The only thing I can guess is that I measured a clean hole instead of that particular hole and there must have been some leftovers keeping the tap from going the full distance.
I was right to the point the engine was about ready to go back on the bike, then this.
What should I do now? Try to bust the tap with a punch and risk damaging the threads? Dang sure cant drill it!
Topend time?
Never done a topend on anything other than a two stroke dirtbike so that would be a experience I really dont care to learn, less I have to.
My wife is determind that I sell this bike when I get it done but Im not so sure about that one. She just dont know it
If I have to go through a chapter of this bike that I really didnt intend to go through I know darned well Im not gonna wanna sell it.
Hey look maw, she rolls!!
Things were going so well!