But I have found three other very small holes between the throttle plate and the piston which I believe to be Air Bleed holes. I cannot get the wire tool to penetrate these holes as I cannot line things up as with the other small holes. How do I clean these small holes? Where are the other ends of these bleed holes? Can I access these holes from the other end of the hole?
I don't want to put the carbs back on and find it doesn't run right because of this. All or any help appreciated.

QUESTION 2: Each of the CV carbs has a reasonably strong spring on it and I assume when this spring pressure is multiplied by four there is going to be quite a bit of pressure at the twist grip for the rider. Is there a need to weaken these springs in any way to make things easier on the rider's right hand. Do all four need to be connected and if so is this the reason why there is only one throttle cable on CV equipped bikes. i.e. the springs close the throttle and no need for PULL close throttle cable?
Just trying to understand the principle of how this system works, not wanting to re-invent the whole thing.
Thanks in advance for any help given.