I've had the bike for about 8 months now, when I first got it cleaned the carbs, changeded oil, checked air filter, etc. It ran great, ran it all through winter and even when the weather was 35 it would still start (it gets cold in NY!). It never sat for more then a week without being started and run so I don't think things have gummed up again in the carbs.
Recently I noticed that its getting harder and harder to start in the mornings, which is surprising because its getting nice and warm outside. I start it full choke no throttle, and it would stutter for a bit, then it seemed like it would catch and fire up. Now, if I push the starter it coughs a few times but won't catch. It'll cough a few times, then nothing. I can push the starter all day and it won't cough or anything. Something else I've noticed is lets say I start the bike, its warming up and then if I close choke prematurely the engine dies (which is probably normal). But it will NOT start up again (this was even when the bike was running well). I push the starter it turns fine but no love in catching anything.
To start it now, I have to push start the bike, and now even that is getting kind of hard (ie I have to really be moving, otherwise it just locks up and doesn't start). If the bike is warm (ie ridden within the last hour) it starts up right away (although if I let it die it won't startup again).
I've put maybe 2100 miles on the bike since I bought it last Sept - I'm just confused why this would be getting worst and worst. I appreciate any advice you guys can give me. The bike is an 82 gs650g, with a total of 8500 miles on it.