My 1982 GS850G smells like gas and I am wondering if it is normal.
I have TWO bikes in my garage; a 2008 Vulcan 900 and the above mentioned 1982 GS850G. I do not believe either bike leaks any liquid gas. I think I would notice, as the garage floor is a clean concrete.
When my Vulcan is alone in the garage and the garage door is down there is a minimal smell of gas in the garage. I can enter the garage in the morning and it's fine to go in and to be in there with the door closed - I do not need to air the place out.
If the GS 850G is in the garage overnight then the small of gas fumes in the garage in the morning is overwhelming and I have to air the place out. I am also worried because my bedroom is right above my garage, and though I can't notice any fumes... well... that doesn't mean they are not there.
Is it normal to have this kind of evaporation? Can I reduce / eliminate it?
*** note ***
I eliminated the possibility of the vapors coming from anything else this weekend - I did a full clean out of the place - GS850 in the garage = smell of gas. GS850 out of the garage = no small of gas.
My engine runs great - lots of power and no missing or troubles starting. It takes about 2 or 3 minutes to warm up - and is a bit weak until warm.