All completely stock/factory intake and exhaust. The carbs that are on the bike have been furiously ultrasoniced, dipped, sprayed, and sterilized for surgical use and have had every rubber part replaced with factory ones including the intake boots with o-rings. The valves have been reseated and the head had the seats recut by Suzuki with new seals etc. Merury synched, fuel level as spec, mixture screws 1/2 way between lean rough idle and ritch rough idle then tuned to plugs.
I take the highway to work. About 7 minuits worth at 60 - 75 miles per hour. The rest ( 20 minuits ) is normal secondary roads, split 10 min. before highway, 10 min. after highway.
1.) When I get off of the highway, the engine seems to be a little more " rattly ". It doesn't seem to run any different, just sounds different.
2.) On a cold start in the warmer weather, I use the choke to get it started and back it off to maintain a reasonable idle (2000-1500). The problem is, it runs all choppy with the choke only a little bit on. If I turn the choke off, it runs completely smooth but at a really low idle. It will run at less than 500 rpm with no problem. I just don't know if this is normal...OK... or what.
3.) Last thing is the iol. My oil seems to get dirty really quick. After a fresh oil and filter, ( castrol-gtx bike iol, k&n filter), within 500 miles I can't see through the iol in the sight glass. Is this an indicator of other issues?
Thank you in advance for you all mighty wisdome...........