So the problem is that my exhaust pipes on one side(cyl 3 & 4) are getting significantly hotter that the other side(cyl 1 & 2). I have not measured them with a thermometer as i do not have one but have used a simple spray test. I spray a small amount of liquid (i used pb blaster as i had it on hand) on each exhaust pipe and see what it does. On Cyl 3&4 the pb vaporizes immediately as it hits the pipe and on cyl 1&2 it does not evaporate at all. What could be causing this difference in exhast temps?
Everything is stock on the bike (1980 GS1100L w/bs34ss carbs) except for the ignition which is now a dyna s with accel coils and wires as well as the coil relay mod. Valve adjustments were just completed, Carbs dipped and rebuilt with new gaskets, needle valves and o rings, float set at correct height, jets are all stock sizes. I just balanced the carbs with a carbtune pro. Exhaust is stock 4-2 pipes. Air box has been sealed, has new air filter, new airbox to carb boots as well as carb to head boots. idle screws (not sure if that's what their called) are set to 2.5 turns out from lightly seated as a starting point. Spark plugs are a few months old but have not seen any mileage on then as the bike was being worked on at the time. They went in clean and came out as seen in the pictures on the link after running the engine a few times while I was synching the carbs. The plugs are cyl 1-4 from left to right.
Any help or insight is greatly appreciated. Thank you!!!