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Choke removal

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    Choke removal

    Hi All

    On my previous GSX you would simply unscrew the retainer and everything just fell out. On my current GSX 550EF you unscrew the retainer and.......the retainer cap and wire moves, but everything else is stuck. I don't know if the choke needles are stuck or if there is something I am missing. Both sides (I have the mikuni BSW30SS, 2 carbs with 4 throats) are stuck in the same manner.

    Any help? I feel like a bit of a dunce right now.


    I guess not many have this carb..Am I right in thinking that there should be NO retaining clip, etc holding the plunger into the body once the retaining cap, that the cable passes through, is removed?

    From what I can see with the retaining cap removed and pulled back as far as it will go (maybe 12mm, 1/2 inch) there appears to be some corrosion and gunk. I am thinking that the plungers are stuck and this is why; a) I can't remove the buggers and b) the choke doesn't appear to be doing anything as the bike is incredibly hard to start cold.

    If I get no replies to the contrary, I am going to give them a good old yank and see if the 'pop' out. I have sprayed them liberally with carb cleaner a few days ago so hopefully they will come out.




      Yep, those dual-throat carbs are pretty mysterious. Why not take some pictures and document your experience? Mr. bwringer and I have webspace to post it up to share with the community. Keep us informed.

      Thank you for your indulgence,



        Originally posted by GSX550 View Post
        I guess not many have this carb..Am I right in thinking that there should be NO retaining clip, etc holding the plunger into the body once the retaining cap, that the cable passes through, is removed?

        From what I can see with the retaining cap removed and pulled back as far as it will go (maybe 12mm, 1/2 inch) there appears to be some corrosion and gunk. I am thinking that the plungers are stuck and this is why; a) I can't remove the buggers and b) the choke doesn't appear to be doing anything as the bike is incredibly hard to start cold.

        If I get no replies to the contrary, I am going to give them a good old yank and see if the 'pop' out. I have sprayed them liberally with carb cleaner a few days ago so hopefully they will come out.

        Hmmm I have some of these

        the plungers are prone to geting fouled with dust or road slurry or what have you.

        The gumming also seems related to the evaporation of gas over time.
        I ave seen plungers with striations that likely were made by fine sand particles sooooooo.

        One you have the cable removed the plunger should pull out
        take car it is brass

        I would drip some good carb cleaner around the plunger first to help prevent damage.

        there may be an easy way to apply some pressure on these at from the area beneatht he diaphragms ill take sone pictures
        Last edited by Guest; 06-07-2010, 04:31 PM.




            Not sure if those help
            but you can at least hit a protion of the submerged plunger form the inside witht he diaphragms removed

            notice how shiny these things can be
            this one was coated with a tarry goo till i cleaned it
            it wasnt stuck however just hard to get out.


              Well, I won. I went down tonight and gave each a good yank on the cable. The first wouldn't budge, but I was being a little gentle as they are only held onto the cable by a small lead plug. When that didn't work, I figured "what the hell" and placed a long sustained pull on the cable. The plunger finally gave after the bike started to tilt! That was a whole lot of force required to dislodge the plunger. The second was even worse! I actually rocked the bike pulling on that one!

              I checked them over and there is a black film that is either a Teflon like coating or fuel varnish. With how stuck they were, I am leaning towards fuel varnish. The plunger bores (orifice?) look good with no scoring , just a little aluminium oxide at the thread level. So I cleaned them all up and refitted them and they slide in and out now. The choke level can move through a full 180 degrees. The first 70 degrees or so feels like slack being taken up, then you can feel the plungers move.

              It's a pity the kids are in bed, else I might start her up...well at least try to.

              Thanks for your help guys!

              A full carb stripe down is on the horizon. Does anyone in Australia supply the o-rings, etc always mentioned or do the US suppliers ship internationally?

