I am currently having trouble getting my new (to me

Here are my specs:
'82 gs450L
stock exhaust
K&N brand pod filters (not my choice!! came with bike... don't have stock airbox)
Carb settings: pilot jet #20 (17.5 stock), main jet #130 (115 stock)
Needle shimmed by replacing nylon washer with washer stack of 1/2 original height
pilot screw set to 2.5 turns out
Recent work done by me:
Carb clean following procedure on this site including overnight dip, spraying out with cleaner, and using a wire brush bristle in every oraface.
Ordered and installed new o-ring set from cycle-orings.
Tightened starter clutch bolt after it managed to loosen itself (two weeks of chasing "ignition" problems and it was a loose bolt ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! haha that problem solved anyway)
My Problem:
Bike will only start with left cylinder plug removed. Tried swapping plugs and got the same result. Both plugs are sparking when removed and placed on cylinder head. Right plug is very sooty when removed and very very hot. Left plug (when left in) is dry, no sign of gas, and is not very hot at all.
Things I am planning on checking for:
-clogged pilot jet
-holes in my CV diaphragm
-hole in petcock diaphragm (checking for gas leak into vacuum hose)
What I would like to know:
-What else should I add to me "things to check" list
-Do you have any time tested methods for verifying the above.
Thanks in advance for your consideration
