Before the adjustment all my air screws were set to 1.5 turns out. I had just completed a full cleaning and 0-ring replacement.
The bike ran ok but had a very occasional "backfire" on idle on #4 or #3 (I think it was 4), a rough idle, and a whole lot of popping on deceleration. I have heard on this board that the popping is often the result of leaks in the exhaust. I assumed in my bike that the popping was coming from a leak somewhere in my exhaust (where I eliminated the h-pipe). Understand - there was a LOT of popping.
I then turned #3 and #4 carb air screws out 3.5 turns and #1 and #2 2.5 turns out. I did this because I had a hunch that I was running lean, and because I could not run my bike with the tank off I could not try out my colortune.
The result - the idle is perfect, there is no occasional backfire, and surprising to me - there is absolutely no popping sound at all on deceleration - the issue is gone.
The only issue is that on mild acceleration and revs around 4-6 k I think the engine is missing slightly - but the minute I roll on the throttle the engine is a monster!
So if you still have popping after sealing up your exhaust - try the idle mixture!
