Still my bike ran up to speed maybe through first gear. Hit or miss. It acted like it had no fiuel at all. Up to 7k hit or miss, then it wouldnt rev past it at all. I checked the fuel level in the bowls, it ran fine, then it was low in the primary carb, then low in the secondary carb. Many nights scratching my head and just asking WTF is going on here? The many rides going uphill and losing all power, symptoms pointing to the carbs, then nothing being wrong with them. So on to the electrical. No dice there. Well here it is.

Yes, A rock.. a single piece of slag was lodged in my exhaust pipe.I pulled the exhaust and ran it. The one part I never suspected because it ran fine before all of this. Complete GS nirvana was achieved at that moment in time. Ran to redline, all the power I ever remembered and more. Of course I still had to cut the muffler open to get the rock out. Then talk the old man across the street into using his MIG welder.. but its finally over. For the first time ever on this little 572 cc bike screamed like it never has before. And power it has now. Granted its a tad rich at the top end, but its all down hill from here. So on to moving needles, synching, maybe a new jetsize.
Id like to thank all the guys that took a stab at trouble shooting this sucker. Through I dont know how many threads now. So once again, thanks guys.