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why do i have fuel coming out carb #2????
why do i have fuel coming out carb #2????
carbs have been completely rebuilt with stage 3 jet kit and even prior i continuously have fuel leaking from #2 carb into and through the pod filter. i do have a manual petcock and the vacuum line is blocked off. bike has been running super rich and i thought maybe this is the problem. i just took the pods off to start checking a few things and all the other slides are completely dry and this one soaking wet and the pod filter is totally absorbed with fuel. any suggestions?Tags: None
as stated before this was happening even before they were rebuilt and i did not rebuild them a guy from a shop did. i have had them apart to move the clips and change the mains, that is it.
Originally posted by Agemax View Poststrip it down and see where you have gone wrong during the rebuild
Float needle is hanging up/open. That, is the only reason a carb will over flow UNLESS, there is a missing o-ring somewhere inside the carb body. Not sure which one that would be. Even with the manual petcock, if the gravity feed to the carbs has no means of being regulated via the float needle, the fuel will continue to flow. Is there a chance that you have a hole in that float or it has become porous over the years and will no longer float?Last edited by Dave8338; 07-05-2010, 11:38 AM.
Billy Ricks
It's has to be with the float seat or needle. It's real easy to shave off a bit of o-ring on the seat when trying to get them into their bore. I oil mine so they slip in easy.