i mean the bike ran 100% without even the slightest problem for all the 2k miles i put on it untill i had to go and paint some stuff... i thought it was bad fuel so i syphoned out all the fuel and put in fresh 93 and it still runs like absolute garbage! heres my experience from riding it: after sitting for a while she runs GOOD then all of the sudden it becomes limp and runs really bad like it barely revs at all... so after riding around in the terrible condition all over the place hoping it would fix.... at random times it just WAKES RIGHT UP! like real fast and everything and then all of the sudden it just goes back to limp mode...riding for an hour it CONSTANTLY changes from riding normal then super Limp... 85% of the time its limp and all of the sudden she wakes right up and almost throws me off the bike...
this problem is absolutely KILLING ME! all i did was paint the tank and airbox covers which i put on pretty good... carbs stuck with a paint chip maybe ? (btw i have high flow in-line fuel filter) im absolutely stumped the bike ran PERFECT untill i painted the tank + airbox covers... thank you for reading and any help...