-81 GS650G with 22k on the clock
-New plug boots and plugs. Wires trimmed back to get to fresh copper.
- Coils resistance measures good
- Seems to have good spark on all cylinders
- Previous owner pulled and cleaned (dipped) the carbs but did not install new o-rings
-Roughly 140 PSI compression on the two outboard cylinders and 130ish on the two inboard cylinders
- New manual petcock. Plugged the vacuum port on #2 carb
The bike will run on two cylinders without choke and idles on the verge of dying at about 1k. Attempting to give in any gas without the choke on will kill it. With the choke on it idles at about 2k and if you gently roll on the throttle you can get it to rev higher. #1 and #4 seem to be firing fine. #4 might be running a tad hot judging from the plug. #3 seems to run intermittently. Judging from the plug it fires and the pipe gets warm but never warm enough that you can't touch it. #2 does not seem to be getting any fuel at all although there's fuel in the bowl.
I'm a little intimidated by any carb work more complex than a lawnmower. I'd like to avoid tearing these completely apart if I can. I'm hoping maybe there's some simple fix that leaps out at you guys?
Edit: I should add that I pulled the carbs this evening and they're clean as can be including the bowls. Also, I have no fuel leaks at all.