I have a quirky thing happening with my attempt at using a Colortune for the first time.
First let me say, I have an 82 GS 750EZ that I got running in early April. I decided it would be a good thing to fine tune the engine not having any maintenance info from the previous owner. I had cleaned and rebuilt the carbs in March and she has been running pretty good since. So I checked and adjusted the valves with the idea of using the Colortune before the Carbtune to synch the carbs.
Well, I was able to get the nice blue flame color on numbers 1, 3 and 4. However, I can't get number 2 to do the same. I can see the spark bright as day, a bright white spark but if I turn the mixture screw out or in several turns, it just stays the same??? Can't seem to get the blue color.
So I rechecked the valves again and they're right on. An opinion was put forth that the coil may be bad but I'm not so sure since the spark is pretty bright. I'm thinking maybe the mixture screw needs to be rechecked. Maybe it's gotten stuck or the spring is hung up. I know I used all new parts when I rebuilt the carbs and she has been running good for 1,000 miles.
I guess I should have left well enough alone but I'm the kind of guy that wants to know that everything has been done right.
Any suggestions?? Or anybody else have this happen? Thanks