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still having fuel problem. help. last time
still having fuel problem. help. last time
ok. so i have posted a few times regarding what seems to be no fuel getting to cylinder number 3. i took the carbs off again and checked all of them but this one very close. i stripped the whole carb down and soaked all the parts. this has been done once already keep in mind. everything has been replaced and the o rings. i checked for blocks in the carb by spraying through each fuel rail in the carb and had cleaner come out the other side. there is fuel in the bottom of the carb but it is not getting through the carb. the plug is new and is getting spark for sure and it is not even wet after the bike runs and still looks brand new. i do not have a compression tested handy but i did the put my thumb over the plug hole check and they all appear to be the same pressure at wot. i ran the bike yesterday and kept the throttle at around 2000 rpm and yanked the plug wire off the plug to see if it would change and there was NO change in the idle or how it ran, so i know it is definitely running on 3 cylinders only. i am at a loss at this point. the bike runs good for 3 cylinders but i want it to run on all four.Tags: None
First thing I would do is open the fuel bowl on #3 carb and see if there is fuel in it. If there is not then you should check the float needle/seat and the fuel T for blockage. If there is fuel in the bowl but not getting to the spark plug, then I would suspect that the pilot circuit for that carb is still blocked.
It is not uncommon of carbs that have been sitting for many years to require more than one cleaning. I usually average about 3 when resurrecting a bike.
no, not the plug cap. i thought i may be and i just put on brand new ngk ceramic caps and i have great spark. the plug is totally dry and doesnt smell like fuel at all.
Did you squirt carb cleaner through all the tiny passages in the pilot circuit?
From the pilot jet, through to the two or three tiny holes near the venturi, and also the other way, out to the air jet in the carb's intake? Don't forget the passages connected to the mixture screw too.
Did you remove the actual pilot jet itself to insure the holes are clear?
i just ripped them down again and am cleaning one more time. i just removed the pilot jet and cleaned well. i can see light through every hole. i am going to go crazy if i have to rip these things off again. hopefully tomorrow i will have this resolved. fingers crossed.