OK. The bike runs strong, smooth, and creamy, Buuuut.....................
After a 10 minuit ride down the highway at 75-80 MPH, (6500-7000rpm), the bike seems to idle like it's ritch or loaded up at the stop at the end of the ramp. It responds to slight throttle, (taking off from a stop), as if were loaded up, but once I get going, (get my feet on the pegs), it runs fine and the idle gets a little nicer with every stop, but still not quite right. I't won't stall, but it idles kind of "chuggy", not "purry".
It won't do this if I ride on secondary roads where I'm only going like 40-50 MPH, (4000-5000 rpm), at these speeds it idles nice and "purry" at stops and responds to slight throttle nicely. Only after I get her turning, (reving), a bit does it act less than perfect.
The factory settings on the low screws are in the neighborhood of 2.5-2.75 turns out. I currently have mine at 4.25 and the plugs are ok but a little leaner than I'd like. Not bad by any means, just a touch lean. Light grey to white centers and ground strap with a charcoal outer ring,(complete turn for you technical guys). These are not plug chop readings, they are simply overall, check em' after a ride readings so there is low and high color mixing, idle washing, etc.
My question is should I shim my unadjustable needles and close the screws a bit or just keep turning the screws? I'm approaching double the factory settings, hence my concern.
To head off the guys who will ask about the valves etc, Valves are adjusted, carbs are synched, Dyna 3 ohm greenie coils, coil relay mod, new stator and E-Sport r/r, stock airbox & filter, stock exhaust with the exception of the centers knocked out.
I appologize in advance for my known babbling and thanks in advance for the help.