I still managed to break it after repeated heatings and soakings. I think after a while the bolt really DOES soften up, and it can fool you into thinking it's starting to move.
I've been doing a lot of heating and soaking since I broke it too, and being careful not to kill the slot I cut in it - cause once that goes there's no way I'm drilling around the frame tube.

My main question is in regards to applying heat. I don't know much about it, except what I've read. I don't know 'how much' heat to really apply with a propane torch. I've been going really slow on it with about the lowest heat I can make without the torch sputtering out. Just before though I think I got an idea of the kind of heat it takes to break threads loose, when I took the heat shield screws out of the mufflers. They were probably in worse shape than the exhaust bolt if appearances can be trusted. Not being constrained by worries of warping a delicate aluminum head, I whacked them with a good sized flame from the torch (after some soaking) and WOW it was like magic - they came right out!
I've done a LOT of reading in the forums, but I still don't have a clear idea of how much I can hit the exhaust bolt with and not do damage to the head. Would someone please spell it out for 'Dummies'? I do also have a can of compressed gas that I haven't tried on the bolt yet, it's for dusting electronics. I know the CAN sure gets frosty in a hurry, will that stuff cool the bolt as described in the posts I read?
Thanks muchas muchly, all of you, for your help!