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Problems with 83 gs550es

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    Problems with 83 gs550es

    Hey i picked up a 83 suzuki 550 from my gfs dad. It had been sittin for 10 years. I went through the carbs cleaned them all out completely. I could only pull 2 of the main jets out the other 2 stripped. But i flushed them with carb cleaner and could see that they were clear and carb cleaner could go through them... I got a new battery and everytyhing...

    So i tried to start her up.. She won't get any gas.... There is gas in the bowls but no gas is gettin to the engine. If i take the air intake off and cover the carb with my hand she will start to fire but won't idle or run... Any help?!?!?

    Greetings and Salutations!!

    Hi Mr. David_510,

    Chances are good that the carbs are not clean enough. You'll find the proper procedure, along with other necessary maintenance suggestions, right here in your "mega-welcome". It's how we give our bikes some lovin'.

    I just stopped by to welcome you to the forum in my own, special way.

    If there's anything you'd like to know about the Suzuki GS model bikes, and most others actually, you've come to the right place. There's a lot of knowledge and experience here in the community. Come on in and let me say "HOoooowwwDY!"....

    Here is your very own magical, mystical, mythical, mind-expanding "mega-welcome". Please take notice of the "Top 10 Common Issues", the Carb Rebuild Series, and the Stator Papers. Now let me roll out the welcome mat for you...

    Please click here for your mega-welcome, chock full of tips, suggestions, links to vendors, and other information. Then feel free to visit my little BikeCliff website where I've been collecting the wisdom of this generous community. Don't forget, we like pictures! Not you, your bike!

    Thanks for joining us. Keep us informed.

    Thank you for your indulgence,



      Update: I checked for spark (good) checked compression (good) cleaning out the main jets right now. will update once i've done that and we will she if she will start...


        OK... So i've cleaned out the carbs completely (i only have 2 carbs) took out the main jets soaked them in carb cleaner then cleaned them following basscliffs guide... Put em back on and tried to start it... Failed.

        It kicked over and sounded like it wanted to run but nothing... It would kinda run if i held the starter and gave it a 1/4 turn of throttle.... Choke was fully on and off.. tried it both ways...



          OK it runs... Help with the idle and choke now.... I got no tach either =/ Anyone?

          It will idle with the choke about halfway... but it will just randomly die...


            If it will only run with the choke, it would seem that it is running lean and not getting enough fuel, these bikes are very sensitive to the right air fuel mixture and any thing that will change that will cause trouble.
            The biggest culprit is the airbox and induction system leaking air, go through your whole intake system, airbox, airbox boots, and carb boots and check for poor sealing that could cause an air leak, seal the airbox up good and tight, check the airbox boots for proper sealing where they fit into the airbos and where they clamp onto the carbs, check the intake boots as well, if you remove the intake boots, you will see that there is an O-ring in there does the job of sealing, these become hard and brittle and leak, and cause all manner of distress, change them as a matter of course.
            The boots should also be soft and pliable, if they are hard, they may look like they are sealing, but odds are they are not.
            A leak anywhere will cause a lean condition.


              Pilot jet clogged. Mixture screw clogged, in too far or broke.


                All boots are fine.. Where do i find the mixture screw? There are 4 screws on the engine side of the carb above the butterfly.. those are the air screws right? How do i set those....


                  Originally posted by David_510 View Post
                  All boots are fine.. Where do i find the mixture screw? There are 4 screws on the engine side of the carb above the butterfly.. those are the air screws right? How do i set those....
                  Yes that’s the 4 screws. Turn them in till they stop (not hard) then back them out about 2 ½ turns (good starting point). Have you check your pilot jets (see light thru them)?


                    Ya i can see light through pilot jets and all.. I pulled 2 out the other 2 won't come out.. but i cleaned them and could spray carb cleaner straight through them... When it's warm it will idle... If i give it throttle it's a little sluggish bogs a tid bit in low rpms... Now im just having trouble getting my tach working =/


                      Alright.... So i got her to run... Still having problems with the idle... If i turn the air mixture screws 2.0 turns out it won't idle... if i go about 3.0 turns it will kinda idle at about 800-900 rpms... but will die if i gun it and let off.

                      Also... got the tach working.... Now can anyone help me with how to set my idle?

                      The choke also doesn't work... If i put the choke on it won't start and if i turn it on after i get it running it will just die...? What is the suggestion there?



                        Is the airbox installed? Is the air intake system sealed? No air leaks? Clean, very lightly oiled air filter installed?

                        Idle Adjustments

                        Thank you for your indulgence,



                          All boots are fine..
                          Ok, good, but did you check the intake boot O-Rings, I know it is a PIA, but please do, everyone here who have been working on these bikes for years will back me up, 90% of the time they are toast and are a source of endless frustration.
                          you may want to set the mixture screws using the "highest idle" method, but to complete the job properly you really need to do a carb sync as well, the two go hand in hand. Try and get your hands on a set of vacum gauges, even on loan.


                            Ok... i tried to highest idle method and the bike will idle at about 1100 rpms... which is good!!! Only thing is when i start it it doesn't want to idle right away like if i start it it will just die... so i gotta give it a little gas...

                            i just rode the bike... 1st time in 10 years since it's been rode.. it seemed to ride just fine... gears worked well and everything.. although once i came back home it didn't want to go into neutral while running...

                            Is it normal if the bike is warm and i put the choke on it dies?

                            Yes all the boots are good.. which orings are you talking about?


                              The ones that act as a seal to the joint between the head and the carb boots

                              they are the bane of likely any bike that is old enough to have them degraded by heat and time.

                              has the scoop they are pretty much a must do item.
                              Not doing them will net you an impossible to locate proble idel for eternity.

                              you got to take the carbs and boots off but robert barr the guy who runs the service on the web link alos has nice ss allen bolts a little time and some anti seize and the world is your oyster vis a vis a head sucking air.

