The bike ran flawlessly in May when parked. There was Seafoam in the tank so I didn't think there would be any issues starting. Long story short, it would not start without full choke. Carbs 3 and 4 didn't seem to be working correctly as the bike ran only on cylinders 1 and 2 and it would not run off choke. I changed the gas and pulled and recleaned carbs 3 and 4. No change.
Yesterday, for some reason, I decided to crank her over without choke and to my surprise it fired up ( with a little throttle). This time cylinders 3 and 4 were firing but not 1 and 2 which now seem to be lacking gas ( there was spark....I checked). Again it would not idle. No surprise there as half the engine is "missing".
I am completely confused and baffled at this.
The bike was very hard to get going originally back in the winter after the rebuild ( carbs stripped, dipped and rebuilt with new o-rings per SOP) but it did start after much persuasion and once synched it ran and idled like a Swiss watch. Nothing else has changed other than I'm running ( or trying to run) with out the pod filters at the moment.
I'm going to fiddle with it again today. Boy is this frustrating...again.
Any ideas guys?