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float bowl volume
float bowl volume
my 1980 gs 850 with bs32 carbs have been showing gradual increase of gas consumption with all plugs showing an increase in blackness,all vitals of the engine check out ok and it still runs ok,could anyone tell me how many mls would come out of the float bowl at rest with the supply shut off,when the drain plugs are removed and the lines cleared,i suspect the floats may be absorbing gas,mine is 53 mls.
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Greetings and Salutations!!
Hi Mr. ray tomkins,
It could be something as simple as a dirty air filter. It could be that your float height is too high. It could be that your idle mixture screws are too rich. Maybe your choke rod is stuck open. You might have a bad petcock. You'll find maintenance lists in your "mega-welcome" and lots of tips on my little website. Now let me share some more GS850G lovin'.
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