bowls have fuel .1 and 4 will fire with starting fluid. i checked spark on 1 and 4 looked good pretty blue flame. so any suggestions? i did not change anything in carb setup so what gives?
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no fire #1 #4
no fire #1 #4
ok im working on a 80 GS850. i went through carbs once new o-ring kit via robertbarr got it all back together fired up ran great rode it noticed a huge difference in smoothness in the throttle pick up. got a carbtune was sync carbs had some overflow in carbs. fuel in airbox mot much but some. took carbs back off to check fuel inlet valves. they looked clean so i reassembled everything tried to start it fires on #2 and #3 but not 1 and 4. (sorry this is so long)
bowls have fuel .1 and 4 will fire with starting fluid. i checked spark on 1 and 4 looked good pretty blue flame. so any suggestions? i did not change anything in carb setup so what gives?Tags: None
Sorry to hear of your troubles. It sounds like either you missed something during reassembly or introduced some crud into carbs #1 and #4 in the process. At this point I would retrace my steps. Are you sure you're getting good spark on #1 and #4? That kind of trouble usually points to the left coil.
Thank you for your indulgence,
i can visually see a good blue spark how else would i check coil? also i got them to fire with starting fluid.but yes initally i thought it would be the coil because it was 1and4. will check carbs again today. i dont have a garage so the bike is in my kitchen roomates keep complaining about gas smell. they just dont get it
Did you check the carbs to make sure the fuel screw tips are not broken off inside the carb body? How many turns open are the fuel and air screws? Did you hold the pilot jets up to a light or poke a wire though it to make sure the orifice is open?Ed
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the bike has been running took carbs off to check fuel inlet valves. have not touched mixture screws
I believe you need to touch the mixture screws in order to properly clean the carbs. They must be stripped and dipped.
Check to make sure you didn't have a fuel overflow at some point and flood the crankcase with gas. The 1 & 4 cyl. hang down lower in the crankcase and if it gets too full it forces oil up past the rings particularly if it's thinned with gas. This fouls out the plugs. Check to see if they are wet at all and that the oil level is correct. If that's not it then check your float bowls in 1&4 to make sure they're getting fuel. If they are Make sure it's not too much fuel, float valves not closing. If the spark is good it has to be one of these things.
i think i found the problem when i primed to the bowls apparently 1 and 4 on the outside did not get enough fuel in them i tried again this morning with a temp. tank and wallah! thats the only thing i can think i was doing wrong. thanks for the input guys.
Originally posted by Adler View PostI believe you need to touch the mixture screws in order to properly clean the carbs. They must be stripped and dipped.Why tell people you replaced the O-rings when you didn't?
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sorry if you misunderstood me. i completley went throught the carbs about a month ago stripped dipped and new o-rings. so yes they were replaced. i thought i was clear in my first post. sorry for the misunderstanding sir