I just started my '78 1000C VM26 carb rebuild, and, of course, have some issues.
Some background; this is a 1978 GS1000c that when I got it appeared stock except for the tank which is a 1980-81, and the seat. The tank was badly modified to use an old petcock from the '78 tank (which leaked and didn't work correctly), and is being replaced. The valve adjustment has been done, and I have moved on to the carbs and finding more surprises.
#1-Have a bent slide needle (another PO kiss), and was wondering if anyone here has a repair technique for this.
#1B-Slide needles on this bike are slotted (5) to raise or lower, however, I was under the impression that stock slide needles for this year were not adjustable. DJ needles? Any way to tell by markings? Currently they are set second slot from top.
#2-Main jets are 102.5 and stock are 95's from what I have read here. Pilot jets are stock numbers.
#3-The fuel pilot screws looked to have been bottomed out to tight at one point, and although they are not broken or bent, the tips appear to be some what pinched. Replace?
#4- The float valve tips are ever so slightly worn, not significantly on a couple but one in particular has a slight depression where it has been against the float valve seat (I can just feel it with my finger nail but hard to see). Replace just because? They are after all 33 years old.
I am going to add a pipe but in the mean time order some stock mains to use with the stock mufflers. The slide needle, if I can't get it straight, will need to be replaced with original or.....? Float seat and valve replace; them all just because?