So that's what I did! I read the guides, took the carbs off and cleaned out the guk. There was a lot of goo in the pilot jet of one of the carbs, which was what I expected from the way it ran. After that I put it all back together being extra careful.
But now the bike won't start. It doesn't even start to catch. The engine turns over but there is no combustion. I worry that maybe I screwed in a jet too much or something of that sort.
Here's the things I checked:
- Battery is good and fully charged.
- There is fuel in the float. I unscrewed the float bowl and it dripped out. So the fuel system is good.
- The sparkplugs are good and sparking. Just checked them now.
- Everything was plugged back in properly.
The carbs are off again and I'm hoping to find out some adjustment I messed up. Do you guys have any ideas? I tried compression starting it and got nothing. I'm pretty sure there is a problem with the fuel mixtures but I'm not positive. I can't find any resources that tell me how much I should screw in each jet. I should have marked them but it's too late now. Doh!
Any advice you can give me is awesome. I'll probably have to take it to the shop but I don't have any regrets doing it myself. I learned so much about my bike and its carburetor. Should wished the dang thing worked
