Yesterday morning it happenned again. About 71 miles on the tank and it acts like I am reserve level. Stopped by and filled up but it still felt like it was starving for fuel and running rough. Drove car again to work.

Tonight I get home from work and go out to start bike. Put it on and listened to it flow for a few seconds. Pulled up on choke. Started up great. Then about 8 seconds later it was running rough again and now I can't get it running right.
I pulled off the fuel line, hooked up extra line and the petcock is operating properly. Flowed into a container freely on prime and properly on normal position when I sucked on the vacuum line.
I checked spark on all four wires with an extra plug.
I dropped the float bowl on number one and it looks clean. These carbs were fully taken apart and rebuilt about a year ago. Orings etc.
Not sure what to check next.
I did rebuild the petcock about 5 tankfuls ago.
I ride this bike about 4 times a week to work.
I also checked the gas cap thinking maybe it wasn't venting properly. Blew some cleaner through the holes and it flowed okay. Then I blew it out with air.
Any suggestions?
