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Airbox/Carb disassembly w/pics... Advice?

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    Airbox/Carb disassembly w/pics... Advice?

    So I've begun disassembly of the airbox/carbs on the new to me GS1000G. The airbox/carb o-rings are on the way and I'm looking for some professional/experienced advice based on what the pieces I took off look like:

    I do know that I'm having a problem with power. The bike seems to have almost no response to throttle between 2500 and 3500 rpm. If I hold the gas on it eventually gets up to speed and will continue to rev up. This seems to be a cyclical pattern while at highway speeds. If if gets below 50ish, then I have to gear down to get it back up to speed.

    Here we go and thanks in advance!!

    First, the bike:

    Now the details. Sorry for the photo quality, they are from my phone/camera.

    new intake boot rings on the way. these don't look split like i've seen in other pictures, but i think a cleaning of the mating surfaces might be in order.

    K&N filter. Not sure if it's good or bad. also, is this where there is supposed to be the foam airbox weather strip i keep hearing about? There is no weather strip at all.

    From what I've read, having one of these is a good thing. Any suggestions for settings?

    this might seem kinda random, but what are these charcoal looking things between the fins? they look and feel like bits of charcoal?? interesting:

    I'm really looking forward to hearing what you may have to say prior to getting the o-rings and beginning reassembly.
    Thanks again in advance!!
    Last edited by Guest; 03-18-2011, 06:07 PM.

    MIleage, any history that you know of this bike? Was it running ok or do you like to do preventive maintenance unlike some of us? Carb #4 ( last from left) looks suspicious.
    Don't worry there will be lots to do!
    1981 gs650L

    "We are all born ignorant, but you have to work hard to stay stupid" Ben Franklin


      Yeah, #4 looks a little rich, but better rich than lean!

      How does the bike run? Any popping or mis-fires out of the right exhaust?


        Originally posted by tom203 View Post
        MIleage, any history that you know of this bike? Was it running ok or do you like to do preventive maintenance unlike some of us? Carb #4 ( last from left) looks suspicious.
        Don't worry there will be lots to do!
        I bought this from the second owner. I was originally purchased here in Oregon in 1980. I have all maintenance records. Just over 53000 miles.
        As far as how it was running, it seems to lack power between 2500 and 3500 rpms. I find myself wandering between 50 and 65 mph, and I have to downshift if I let it get below 4000 rpms.


          Originally posted by 1_v8_merc View Post
          Yeah, #4 looks a little rich, but better rich than lean!

          How does the bike run? Any popping or mis-fires out of the right exhaust?
          I've put just over 100 miles on this bike in since Tuesday and I have no popping or misfires. Just a lack of power between 2500 and 3500 rpms.

          What do you suggest about #4? Is there a way to get it to run a little leaner?


            Shim the needles up one notch and I'll bet that the flat spot, goes away.

            Also, you could try to spray another light coat of K&N Filter Oil on the filter and see if you notice a difference.


              Originally posted by Dave8338 View Post
              Shim the needles up one notch and I'll bet that the flat spot, goes away.

              Also, you could try to spray another light coat of K&N Filter Oil on the filter and see if you notice a difference.
              Ok. I was worried that the filter was perhaps OVER oiled as the bottom of the airbox is covered in oil.

              Also, did you happen to look at the picture where I asked about the weather stripping? Anxious to get a response as to whether or not its missing. Thanks a TON!


                The sealing strip is on the top of the filter rack and seals against the mating face of the airbox you have in the picture..The seams of the airbox , you will notices have a sealant applied. Be sure thats also in good shape too and silicone any bad ares. The charcoal looking things are dampners to absorb some of the top end noise from the cams and other moving parts. They are not to keep the fins from snapping off due to vibration like i have heard before. Just a sound deadening thing. I have taken them out just to see the differene and its not very noticable to me. You can take em or leave em..As for the Kand N filter..some say they are too pourous of in the size of the holes in the filter media and let sirt thru..then some swear by them your, choice again there. the intake pipes..yes clean the oring groove very well and the mating surfaces on the pipes and the engine as well. And just a suggestion nhere.. take the phillips head screws and get allen head replacements. You can get them a bit tighter when you reassemble and theyn will come off easier in the future.
                Last edited by chuck hahn; 03-18-2011, 07:35 PM.
                MY BIKES..1977 GS 750 B, 1978 GS 1000 C (X2)
                1978 GS 1000 E, 1979 GS 1000 S, 1973 Yamaha TX 750, 1977 Kawasaki KZ 650B1, 1975 Honda GL1000 Goldwing, 1983 CB 650SC Nighthawk, 1972 Honda CB 350K4, 74 Honda CB550


                I would rather trust my bike to a "QUACK" that KNOWS how to fix it rather than a book worm that THINKS HE KNOWS how to fix it.


                  relooking at the pics i gotta ask. Did the covers have the big rubber seals in them? If not you may want to find them in parts wanted and at least run some wether strip inside the covers to seal these as well. all around the edges and across the center where the filter rack shelf is at..down the middle of the opening.
                  MY BIKES..1977 GS 750 B, 1978 GS 1000 C (X2)
                  1978 GS 1000 E, 1979 GS 1000 S, 1973 Yamaha TX 750, 1977 Kawasaki KZ 650B1, 1975 Honda GL1000 Goldwing, 1983 CB 650SC Nighthawk, 1972 Honda CB 350K4, 74 Honda CB550


                  I would rather trust my bike to a "QUACK" that KNOWS how to fix it rather than a book worm that THINKS HE KNOWS how to fix it.


                    Now how can someone tell its running lean from a gumped up butterfly..all that pic is telling me is the carbs are dirty and need to be torn down and clean. It may be all crappy looking and the plugs may still look just fine.. so i am no carb genius myself ( obviously ) but how did that pic lead to that diagnosis??
                    MY BIKES..1977 GS 750 B, 1978 GS 1000 C (X2)
                    1978 GS 1000 E, 1979 GS 1000 S, 1973 Yamaha TX 750, 1977 Kawasaki KZ 650B1, 1975 Honda GL1000 Goldwing, 1983 CB 650SC Nighthawk, 1972 Honda CB 350K4, 74 Honda CB550


                    I would rather trust my bike to a "QUACK" that KNOWS how to fix it rather than a book worm that THINKS HE KNOWS how to fix it.


                      Originally posted by chuck hahn View Post
                      relooking at the pics i gotta ask. Did the covers have the big rubber seals in them? If not you may want to find them in parts wanted and at least run some wether strip inside the covers to seal these as well. all around the edges and across the center where the filter rack shelf is at..down the middle of the opening.
                      There were no seals of any kind in the air box. The chrome end caps were screwed on and the box is open in the bottom by the filter. I'm wondering if they are missing altogether. Will some type of household weather strip work? Are they supposed to be foam or silicone or rubber?
                      Where exactly do they go? Any chance of getting a picture with the seals in place? I've searched and while I can find plenty of people saying fix them, I can't find out exactly what they are.


                        The OEM ones were a think rubber, They sealed all the way around the perimeter of the box. From the center piece of metal that forms the filtr rack it was sealled completely off. The idea was to seal off evry avenue of an air leak so all air entering the carbs had to pass thru the filter and only the fliter. Is there a big rubber feed tube on the back of the airbox ( towards the tire ) or just a rectangular hole.That thing is what is known as a SNORKLE. The prupose of this was to stop road slop right down by the swingarm from being sucked directly into the airbox bottom. This rectangular area is the only place air is supposed to be entering the airbox. Maybe someone can post up pics of the factory door seals and a snorkel for you..In the mean time i will do some post searches and see what i can find..hang in there!!
                        Last edited by chuck hahn; 03-18-2011, 08:23 PM.
                        MY BIKES..1977 GS 750 B, 1978 GS 1000 C (X2)
                        1978 GS 1000 E, 1979 GS 1000 S, 1973 Yamaha TX 750, 1977 Kawasaki KZ 650B1, 1975 Honda GL1000 Goldwing, 1983 CB 650SC Nighthawk, 1972 Honda CB 350K4, 74 Honda CB550


                        I would rather trust my bike to a "QUACK" that KNOWS how to fix it rather than a book worm that THINKS HE KNOWS how to fix it.


                          this thread has a pic of the snorkle and where it goes..type in AIRBOX QUESTION in the tool bar search box..about halfway down the page.
                          Last edited by chuck hahn; 03-18-2011, 08:16 PM.
                          MY BIKES..1977 GS 750 B, 1978 GS 1000 C (X2)
                          1978 GS 1000 E, 1979 GS 1000 S, 1973 Yamaha TX 750, 1977 Kawasaki KZ 650B1, 1975 Honda GL1000 Goldwing, 1983 CB 650SC Nighthawk, 1972 Honda CB 350K4, 74 Honda CB550


                          I would rather trust my bike to a "QUACK" that KNOWS how to fix it rather than a book worm that THINKS HE KNOWS how to fix it.


                            Originally posted by chuck hahn View Post
                            this thread has a pic of the snorkle and where it goes..type in AIRBOX QUESTION in the tool bar search box..about halfway down the page.
                            Awesome thanks!
                            And no, I don't have a snorkel. Just a big opening in the bottom of the box.
                            Guess I'll be hunting one of those down!


                              A 1000 should give nice, seamless torque from about 3,500 rpm up past redline

                              Have you checked out BassCliff's site for

                              1. Valve adjustment
                              2. Carb cleaning
                              3. Needle shimming
                              4. Airbox weatherstripping

                              Also, you should replace the gasket on the cam chain tensioner. Nice oil leak there

                              Oh, nice bike! 850 Combat is already jealous
                              1978 GS 1000 (since new)
                              1979 GS 1000 (The Fridge, superbike replica project)
                              1978 GS 1000 (parts)
                              1981 GS 850 (anyone want a project?)
                              1981 GPZ 550 (backroad screamer)
                              1970 450 Mk IIID (THUMP!)
                              2007 DRz 400S
                              1999 ATK 490ES
                              1994 DR 350SES

