I do know that I'm having a problem with power. The bike seems to have almost no response to throttle between 2500 and 3500 rpm. If I hold the gas on it eventually gets up to speed and will continue to rev up. This seems to be a cyclical pattern while at highway speeds. If if gets below 50ish, then I have to gear down to get it back up to speed.
Here we go and thanks in advance!!
First, the bike:

Now the details. Sorry for the photo quality, they are from my phone/camera.

new intake boot rings on the way. these don't look split like i've seen in other pictures, but i think a cleaning of the mating surfaces might be in order.

K&N filter. Not sure if it's good or bad. also, is this where there is supposed to be the foam airbox weather strip i keep hearing about? There is no weather strip at all.

From what I've read, having one of these is a good thing. Any suggestions for settings?

this might seem kinda random, but what are these charcoal looking things between the fins? they look and feel like bits of charcoal?? interesting:

I'm really looking forward to hearing what you may have to say prior to getting the o-rings and beginning reassembly.
Thanks again in advance!!